(About Wiccan marker on soldier's grave)
What a travesty. Still can't believe that we gave religious status to an idea that was founded in 1953, that's nothing more than a combination of about 5 cultural eastern beliefs. I guess everyone needs imaginary friends like fairies and unicorns, so why not throw witches in there too. Sad to think that the definition of "tolerance" has changed from "I can accept you for you and not like or agree with it" to "I'm gonna be a politically correct, ignorant idiot and allow you to have your way so I don't hurt your feelings. And, while I'm at it, I'll promote your unfounded belief in a sacred place of rememberance." Ridiculous. Maybe I should make a religion that worships Barney the purple dinosaur and complain to the government until I get my tax-exempt status too. Read 2nd Thessalonians 2:11-12 and 1st Timothy 4:1.
I believe in God and his son the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been proven historically, cross-culturally, archaeologically, spiritually, and personally. My research says one thing: people are blind and stupid. See what's going on in the world around you and reference it to the Bible and Torah. It's not a metaphor. It's all coming true. Wanna know what else is true? Unbelievers burn. End of story. Sorry to be harsh, but truth hurts.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound like an ignoramus, but I really don't understand this guy's problem with a Wiccan symbol on a Wiccan's grave. I have yet to hear any intelligent argument as to why this should not be allowed.
I simply have no idea what exactly these people are complaining about!
Ummm... I thought the Abrahamic deity specifically didn't prove himself, and warned repeatedly against asking him to do so. Barney, on the other hand is observed in the polyester flesh every day and still doesn't threaten those who disbelieve.
Yet ANOTHER volunteer to have a devil giving the finger on his tombstone...
Incidentally, nothing the Bible has ever said besides the most glaringly obvious things has ever come true. Live with it, soldierboy.
I believe in God and his son the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been proven historically, cross-culturally, archaeologically, spiritually, and personally.
No, no, no, no, maybe to you, and whatever. Saying it doesn't make it any more true.
What a travesty. Still can't believe that we gave religious status to an idea that was founded circa 50 AD, that's nothing more than a combination of about 5 cultural eastern beliefs. I guess everyone needs imaginary friends like fairies and unicorns, so why not throw God in there too.
God and jesus have been historically proven? Bwah-hah-hah-ha!
Grow the hell up, huh? Doesn't your precious saviour tell you to turn the other cheek?
"At the risk of editorializing, these women are guilty, and must be dealt
with in a harsh and brutal fashion. Otherwise, their behavior could
incite other women leading to anarchy of biblical proportions." [Pause]
It's in "Revelations", people!"
~Kent Brockman (a.k.a. Kenny Brocklestein)
"I guess everyone needs imaginary friends like fairies and unicorns"
Religion in a Nutshell award?
Seriously, I prefer my imaginary friend (Eris/Haruhi) over your imagerinary friend (God) on any day - espescially since I'm aware of the fact that it is indeed an imaginary friend, while you're... hm, what it's called... ah, FUCKING DELUSIONAL!
Also, she is cute and doesn't destroy cities by the dozen.
Are people STILL whinging about this?
Have they looked at the list of accepted symbols? An atheist (horrors!) symbol is allowed, United Church of Religious Science (established in 1927 btw) is allowed, as well as a large number of other religions. WHAT is your problem?
When you die, you can have an image of a torture device on your tombstone if that's what turned you on in life - but you'll still be nothing but a putrefying corpse, same as your neighbor with the star on his tombstone.
Sorry to be harsh, but truth hurts.
Well, if you get buried next to me in a national cemetery, I won't mind if you have the cross, symbolizing your crazy belief in the invisible man on yours.
Still can't believe that we gave religious status to an idea that was founded in the first century, that's nothing more than a combination of Zoroastrianism, various dying-and-rising-god mystery cults, and those parts of Judaism that the Apostle Paul liked.
There. Fixed it for you.
Don't call someone else "ignorant" if you can't even be bothered to learn about the form of spirituality you are bashing. In fact, there is something in the Bible about not not judging others in such a way. But it is, afterall, a Fundie hallmark to gloss over the forgivness and charitable parts of the New Testament...
So, tolerance of religion now means to impose your beliefs?, by that logic, Christianism should be outlawed, it only exists for 2000 years. Look how the world is going on?, as usual, I don't know what's your point. By the way, which "cultural proof" you have that Jesus is the son of God?, in which way can archaeology prove that?, or are you just saying that from your arse?. Well, conclusion, there is freedom of religion but more for some than for others.
Proven "historically?" How, exactly? There is not a single shred of historical evidence beyond the Bible itself that attests to the existence of Jesus of Nazareth. And the Bible can not be cited as "proof."
Proven "cross-culturally?" What the hell does that even mean? Are you referring to the fact that Christianity crossed cultural boundaries as it spread? If so, this same argument could be made to "prove" Buddha, Mohammad, Confuscious, and Thor.
Proven "archaeologically?" How? The only way you could prove the existence of Jesus archaeologically would be if you actually found his bones...which would kind of invalidate the whole thing, wouldn't it?
Proven "spiritually?" So it's proven true because you believe it to be true in your heart? That's lovely, but it's not proof.
Proven "personally?" What does that mean? Are you indicating that Jesus has personally appeared to you and proven his existence through direct, personal interaction? If that's true, then why do you need the other "proofs?"
Your "research" says that people are "blind and stupid?" What research? Where are you data sets? Your sample parameters? How big was your sample size? What was your sampling methodology? Oh...wait. By "research" you mean your personal opinion based on casual observation of those individuals who happened to bring themselves to you attention by doing something you didn't like. Guess what? That isn't "research."
By what logic is: "I can accept you for you and not like or agree with it" to "I'm gonna be a politically correct, ignorant idiot and allow you to have your way so I don't hurt your feelings." showing any difference? In each case tolerance is in fact TOLERATING what someone else does, that has no effect on you. How has it changed? Oh right.... fundies think logic is a tool of satan....
Ridiculous. Maybe I should make a religion that worships Barney the purple dinosaur and complain to the government until I get my tax-exempt status too. So close.
"proven historically, cross-culturally, archaeologically, spiritually, and personally."
Interesting! Would you be a Barnarist, a dinosauric, or a Purpalian? At any rate, if they served their country in the military and offered up their lives for it, any damn thing including a purple dinosaur if they want it, should be put on their grave. THEY DESERVE IT!
I guess everyone needs imaginary friends
I don't...
Attitudes like this help illuminate other religious issues as well.
For example, the fact that all of the religious fervor over controlling women's bodies, being overly fruitful in your multiplications, and prohibiting non-reproductive sex acts isn't just an attack on personal autonomy, but a political tactic that insures that there will always be plenty of unnecessary, uneducated, otherwise worthless cannon fodder to be exploited by the christians' corporate masters. How fulfilling it must be to be such a useful TOOL.
"I believe in God and his son the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been proven historically,"
No, he hasn't.
What does "proven cross-culturally" actually mean?
No, he hasn't.
What does "proven spiritually actually mean?
" and personally."
With your low standards for evidence, I'm sure you personally believe in the biblical Jesus, but that has nothing to do with actual, credible proof.
You're an idiot and a liar. Sorry to be harsh, but sometimes truth hurts.
OK, disregarding the bits of the bible about witches and unicorns for the moment.
Unintended irony of the week?
On an unrelated note I do dearly love how whenever something isn't literally true that just means you're ignoring the metaphor, I wish I had that kind of get out of bullshit free card.
It's called 'freedom of religion' for a reason you Fundie morons. It doesn't mean 'freedom for me to practise my religion, and ban all others!' Get the fuck over it.
Wanna know what else is true? Unbelievers burn. End of story. Sorry to be harsh, but truth hurts.
Fuck you. You don't know that; how dare you even presume to know who goes where in the afterlife, who do you think you are? God? Puh-lease.
I can't believe that we gave religious status to an idea founded in 50 CE that's nothing more than combination of about 3 middle eastern beliefs.
Heck, if age lends a religion more credibility, I'm going with Hinduism. That pwns Christianity by, oh, several thousand years.
And Wicca isn't a combination of eastern beliefs, moron. It's a revival of paganism and earth-mother worship that is somewhat understandable in an age of irreverance for the planet and baffling technological development.
What worries me is the idea of turning up at for basic training, getting your gun/boots/uniform and then:
"Pick your religion from this list please"
"Er. Ok, sure. What's this for?"
"It's so we know what symbol to put on your headstone"
That's really what you wanna hear isn't it?
Oh bless your confused little heart.
proven historically,
Historical records give evidence that Gerald Gardner did exist; that he was a civil servant in India for years; that he wrote and published several books on Wicca and his experiences with New Forest witchcraft; that he was a Freemason and a member of the OTO; and that he did have a passionate interest in anthropology. You could probably even get his birth and death certificates without too much trouble. There's more evidence Gardner existed than there is Jesus did.
Not sure what this means. If he means people in many different cultures can get something out of Christianity, well, people in many different cultures find Wicca spiritually fulfilling too. (Also Islam, Buddhism, etc. etc.)
Many of Gardner's personal effects, whose provenance has been authenticated by his own family members and friends, some of whom are still living, are sitting in a museum in England as we speak, including Gardner's own Book of Shadows. You got anything like that for Jesus? I thought not.
spiritually, and personally.
Any serious Wiccan will tell you that the practice of Wicca is based on What Works. If it's spiritually and personally fulfilling, they do it; if not, they throw it out, or change it so it is fulfilling. Fundie Christians, on the other hand, insist on mangling the text of a thousands-year-old book and shoehorning every possible human situation into that interpretation whether it works or not. Sorry, you lose.
Oh, and whining about someone else's gravestone instead of honoring the person buried under the stone you came to visit? Great example of Christian love, there. Really.
Praetyre: CE stands for "Common Era", a modern term replacing AD which stands for "Anno Domini", Latin for "Year of Our Lord". In the same way, BCE, "Before Common Era", replaces BC, "Before Christ".
Get some education before you ridicule someone else's.
OK. First:
If you look at older gravestones in America you'll find comments against religion and symbols of all kinds. Christianity was put in it's lesser, non-authority, subserviant to Kings in most of Europe over 300 years ago (when it gets better). America was founded without any fear and safeguards against church rule.
"Lord Jesus Christ, who has been proven historically, cross-culturally, archaeologically, spiritually, and personally."
No. Not any of them ( "spiritually, and personally" is a single person, unproven claim no matter how many people make the claim) The rest are completely unsubatantiated AND in fact the lack of evidence in those areas "historically, cross-culturally, archaeologically" are evidence AGAINST your religion.
Really? Bible End Times crap is coming true? Literally? When you acquire a photograph of the seven-headed beast of the apocalypse, whose heads bear ten horns and who is ridden by the Mother Harlot, the she-queen of hell who shall usher in the purging fire, let us know. Until then, be quiet.
Oh, and Wicca is waaay older than you think it is. Neopagan religions have been around since BEFORE Christianity. Wicca is simply the modern incarnation of it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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