Mrs. Debbie #fundie
All of the rock, etc., has the basic drum beat that is used by the Satan-worshipping tribes of Africa. If you were to study it out you would realize it. Did you know that "rock and roll" got its beginnings from the black African culture? THAT is how the beat was introduced into our current ungodly music - "Christian" rock included.
When Moses and Aaron were on Mt. Sinaii they heard what sounded like war in the camp. Turned out it was "music" - a "music" that typified idol worship - something that was totally against the music they knew as godly. When they came down and saw what was going on they were appalled to see the people dancing sensually in all manner of undress. Where did the people learn of this music? In Egypt when they were in captivity! Hmmm....and where exactly is Egypt?? Wonder of wonders - Africa.
(Just for those of you who will try to condemn me for being racist.........some of my best friends have been black. I have nothing against them. Unfortunately the majority of their race has made a bad name for the ones who take care of their families and work hard.)