Social conservative men have a naïve tendency to exalt women on the one hand, and then to assume that their reasoning and goals are similar to men’s. This explains the bizarre tendency of social conservatives’ daughters to be highly engaged in male pursuits such as team sports, the military and religious leadership. These girls are merely trying to please their fathers, and the odd thing is that their fathers generally are pleased, thinking it right and proper that their daughters act like men. I think this can only be explained by a failure to understand female nature and psychology and how profoundly different it is from male.
Uh, no. They play sports BECAUSE THEY FEEL LIKE PLAYING SPORTS! Is that really too hard for you to understand?! And they don't just do gymnastics either. Many of them even do soccer, basketball or (gasp) American football! Can you get your mind checked and see if there isn't anything hindering your compassion?
Or maybe, just maybe, the young women enjoy sports, want to serve their country, and find solace in advancing their church.
Team sports, the military and religious leadership are not merely male pursuits, silly. We're now in the 21st century, not the 19th.
What about social progressive men (i.e. socialists)? Are their daughters independent enough to pursue whatever they want, without "trying to please their fathers"?
The failure here is yours, stupid. Male and female nature and psychology are not that profoundly different from each other, unless you make it so through strictly divided upbringing.
Have you ever met a woman in real life, W.F? Your statements make it less and less probable, with each one...
As usual, What the Fuck Price is confused. He appears to confuse removing women's rights, controlling their bodies and generally grinding them underfoot is some form of exaltation of women. A very strange form of exaltation indeed. Were someone to exalt me in the same manner, I might feel compelled to hit them in the mouth.
Baroo? Why is it I can't think of a single daughter of a prominent social conservative who has excelled at, well, anything. What are the daughters of Ralph Reed doing, if he even has daughters? The Gomert, Cuccinelli and Santorum girls? I don't think Liz Cheney counts, because Dick doesn't fit the criteria for *social* conservatism. I thought one of the main tenets of social conservatism (19th century patriarchy with a new name) was that women should be kept in their place: kinder, kuche, kirche.
I am a left -wing Atheist man, and I exalt women.
...because I can .
"These girls are merely trying to please their fathers, and the odd thing is that their fathers generally are pleased, thinking it right and proper that their daughters act like men."
I bet you're absolutely brick-shittingly scared about just a couple of years time, when a lot of men - even those 'naive socially conservative' ones - go to vote on that terrifying day in late 2016: and they're not even the fathers of the above, whose reasoning and goals clearly are exactly that of men's.
W.T.F. Price, be afraid. Be very afraid. >:D
"Social conservative men have a naïve tendency to exalt women on the one hand, and then to assume that their reasoning and goals are similar to men’s"
Conservatives assume women are like animals, having no rights or goals other than what their owners allow them, so you fail in the first sentence.
> Social progressive men have a naïve tendency to exalt women on the one hand, and then to assume that their reasoning and goals are similar to men’s.
At least my fixed-that-for-you makes some sort of sense!
<sigh> Didums, I know this is hard for you to understand, so I'll say it with my dainty little foot planted squarely on your neck, "Women are people!"
So, let me get this straight, Mr. Lice; NeoCon nuts are too liberal even for you.
Y'know, even when they have strong/independent-looking Far-Right gals in prominent positions (Gov. Janet Brewer of Arizona, Sen. Michelle Bachmann, Pastor Joyce Meyer, pundits like Ann Coulter, moronically regressive activist Phyllis Schafly, etc.) they still have an abysmal and/or very limited view of the ladies. Heck, these women agree with the sexism & they're basically tokens (like black folks such as West, Cain, Erik Rush, etc).
Seems this quote is another example of "My fellow Regressives are not batzoid insane enough for me! Anyone left of criminal insanity is The Weather Underground!"
Folks like that are scary.
"male pursuits such as team sports"
Why would it be ok for a girl to play tennis but not, let's say, soccer? What exactly makes it ok for a girl to stand alone on field and engage in an atheltic activity, but not with other women or even men? I would have understood the sexist thought process behind all sports, or let's say full contact sports like football, hockey or rugby, but team sports? I don't even understand why that could be worse.
I think you can only make an argument that men and women *approach* problems differently, and even then it's only on a statistical average and not a hard and fast rule. Men have goals that vary from one to the other, sometimes wildly. So it stands to reason that women with goals different from men is not unusual.
"Social conservative men have a naïve tendency to exalt women on the one hand, and then to assume that their reasoning and goals are similar to men’s"
Either you are outright lying or you have not been paying attention or you have some weird definition for exalting
"Social conservative men have a naïve tendency to exalt women"
Tonight on "Things That Have Never Happened in This Universe, EVER" we have comments from W.F. Price....
They play well, they serve nobly, and they're usually the "doers" in church programs. Oh, and they look good. Are you sure this is a problem?
Your problem, my dear W.T.F. Price (well, one of your many problems), is that you assume that these activities are somehow intrinstically and exclusively masculine. They aren't.
"I think this can only be explained by a failure to understand female nature and psychology"
There goes my irony meter....
Men, make sure your daughters have plenty of Barbie dolls to play with, and never EVER get a whiff of sporting equipment. One false move and BOOM, your daughter's a lesbo!
We are now over a hundred years since the invention of softball and netball, team sports traditionally played by women, and korfball, designed to be played by both men and women on the same team. WF Price would find the 1890s a bit too progressive for him.
I think this can only be explained by a failure to understand female nature and psychology and how profoundly different it is from male.
Actual psychological research says that, while there are inherent gender differences, they are few, slight and really not what you'd think.
It's not that different, except to people who don't think women are people.
...Oh, right, the Spearhead. As I said.
MRA's frequently find it absolutely inconceivable that women do things because they want to, not because their lives revolve around pleasing some man or another.
It's because MRA's don't see us as real people with inner lives, dreams, pains, passions, skills, virtues and flaws. We are automatons ruled by our biology, blindly following the whims of males. When we appear to have inner lives it's just a poor copy of a man's.
This kind of willful, casual dehumanization is what I hate the most about the MRM, and there isn't a lot to like about then anyway. It isn't even consistent, when they want to blame us for something, suddenly we develop all the human flaws, have all the power and agency, and must take responsibility for everything. When they want to feel superior we're dumb animals.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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