What a load of fail.
I have stated bluntly that cops are our enemies and I hate their guts. I have said in no uncertain terms that I wish them the worst, making it clear that I morally support violent activism against cops...
So, the next time that you are a victim (assault, robbery, motor vehicle crash, etc.) you will NOT be calling them for assistance, correct?
Make no mistake, the gender war is a civil war...
Let's see those reasons
...where it all comes down to sex laws such as the definition of rape
You're not a PoR supporter, are you? If someone says NO, then that's it. No consent = rape.
age of consent,
Are you a friend of DJS by any chance? This varies from state to state but what are looking for, to raise or lower it?
child porn laws,
What the fucking fuck? So I guess you want to lower the age of consent so your "collection" won't get you into trouble with those police you hate. You sick bastard. This is easy - if they are under legal age, then no porn of said person(s).
sexual harassment laws,
This is a bit of a tricky one. Sometimes harassment is taken to the extreme & should definitely be looked at case by case.
grooming laws,
WTH are grooming laws? You must keep groomed? You can't let your kids be covered in filth and matted hair?
criminalization of the purchase of sex
This we can agree on. Prostitution should be made legal.
and law enforcement is our actual enemy in the real world.
And let's end on another crazy note.
Now - I know that a lot of the things mentioned should be overhauled as some of them are antiquated and situational (as in rape - what if both parties are drunk - is it rape? Some are showing nude children - is it art or is it porn? etc.)
Overhauling a law is a far cry from incitement.