Our president is on his knees before God many times, and I feel that he is lead in his actions by Christ.
anyone who bashes our presedant has no buissness being considererd AMERICANS... we should stand behind a man of God as Christians, not to mention the fact the he is our leader and we need to submit to authority.
anyone who bashes our presedant has no buissness being considererd AMERICANS
Blind obedience is in no ones advantage bu that of the leader. Questioning the actions the leader takes prevents him from doing outragious things. Well, mostly that is.
we should stand behind a man of God as Christians
There are many non-christians in America.
not to mention the fact the he is our leader and we need to submit to authority.
The only things that works here is just pointing and laughing. People who believe this are stupid. You should only listen and do what the person in charge says if it is reasonable, fits in with your moral compass and promotes the survival rate of the group.
Oh, you mean like how you guys bashed President Clinton?
Give me an H! Give me a Y! Give me a P! Give me an 0! Give me a C! Give me a R! Give me an I! Give me a T! Give me an E! What does that spell?
Well, Christina won't know, seeing as her spelling skills seem so poor...
Sorry, but things don´t work this way. That a person is religious doesn´t mean at all that has a special favour with God. He can commit mistakes and, sadly, tarnish the image of God rather than empowering. Besides, that doesn´t turn him into a man of God. He´s a sinner like all us and he can´t say GOD GOD and not fulfill his will, that is, not risk the lives of the Iraquis.
LOL so you're saying that the main difference between Bush and Clinton is that Bush is on his knees before God, and Clinton has other people on their knees while he says "God!"
LOL sorry, I kid, I kid.
And being an "American" means standing up for what you believe is right and just, not blindly submitting to authority. We fought a war to get rid of one King George, let's not crown another.
"Our president is on his knees before God many times, and I feel that he is lead in his actions by Christ."
Yeah, that's part of the problem with this president. If true, it shows Christ to have awfully poor judgement.
"anyone who bashes our presedant has no buissness being considererd AMERICANS..."
Excuse me!? Unless I support an asshat president who is suffering from the Christian delusion I am not an American? Bite me, asshole.
"we should stand behind a man of God as Christians, not to mention the fact the he is our leader and we need to submit to authority."
I assert that mindless submission to authority is un-American. I have no obligation to support policies based on delusions. I may be compelled by law to follow some of them, but I do not have to support them.
I propose that we pass a law making it illegal for knees to touch the floor in the Oval Office.
When Monica got on her knees there, the result was months of distraction wasted on a frivolous impeachment.
When Bush gets on his knees there, the result is thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis civilians killed in a disgraceful, unnecessary war; the squandering of national resources; the tarnishing of America's reputation throughout the world; creation of harmful divisions within the American populace; and the trashing of the U.S. Constitution.
Best to nip this in the bud right now.
anyone who bashes our presedant has no buissness being considererd AMERICANS...
Anyone who believes that criticizing the leader is an un-American thing to do has no business calling him- or herself American. The whole point of the First Amendment was to protect exactly that sort of thing (among others).
Except that blindly submitting to authority goes against some of the core concepts behind this country. Why else would we be able to choose our presidents, or choose to remove them from office if we don't like what they're doing? And if submitting to authority was something that our founders valued, why would they have ever told the British to get lost in the first place? Pick up a history book and actually learn something about this country before you open your stupid mouth.
Our president is on his knees before God many times, and I feel that he is lead in his actions by Christ.
Then why does he not follow Christ's example or his teachings?
anyone who bashes our presedant has no buissness being considererd AMERICANS...
Grammar and spelling errors aside, why not? I always thought that your constitution allowed for free speech and that there were measures to protect against tyrany.
we should stand behind a man of God as Christians,
If only you could find one.
not to mention the fact the he is our leader and we need to submit to authority.
George III had the authority that you should have submitted to if you want to be a literalist.
The problem in this fucking century and with religion particularly is that there are many good people and practicing Christians who are considered bland because they try to do God´s job without boasting and being honest with their beliefs. However, some assholes, just because they don´t stop dropping the words GOD GOD from their mouths, they are given passport to do whatever comes into their minds. The terrible thing is that official churches prefer giving them credit and priviledges, in fear of losing their priviledges. Of course, as usual, they are being used, sadly it will be too late when they realise.
"Our president is on his knees before God many times"
"we should stand behind a man of God as Christians"
"we need to submit to authority."
Oh, dear. Not judging you at all, but some fantasies are better kept to oneself, sweetheart.
Apparently this one, as evidenced by her atrocious spelling and grammar was in fact, left behind. One of the beautiful things about being an American is that I can give the President a hearty fuck you when I choose to; in case you hadn't noticed it's a protected Constitutional right. But then again, you probably view the Constitution the same as our quivering coward of a President does - as a goddamned piece of paper. Now please tell me, who's unamerican?
I think the fact that I do question one of the worst presidents ever (but that's a whole other rant..) makes me more patriotic, and more of an American. The freedom to do just that sort of thing is what makes this a great country. Morons like this lady aside, of course..
well I gues that means I can bash him as much as I like, since I'm not an american and have no particular desire to be considered one. (just FYI, it's not the highest goal anyone could aspire to.) that said, Bush has just made a complete mess of everything now hasn't he?
we should stand behind a man of God as Christians, not to mention the fact the he is our leader and we need to submit to authority.
You do realise you're basically espousing the divine right of kings, yes? You know, those guys in silly hats with no real qualification to lead? The ones your nation fought a bitter war of independece against? The ones the American president is supposed to be a polar opposite of, deriving his authority not from some imaginary god but from a vote of confidence by those who he is charged to govern; of which confidence, or lack thereof, "bashing" your president is a direct expression?
Is any of this getting through to you?
"Our president is on his knees before God many times, and I feel that he is lead in his actions by Christ.
anyone who bashes our presedant has no buissness being considererd AMERICANS... we should stand behind a man of God as Christians, not to mention the fact the he is our leader and we need to submit to authority."
As per Romans 13:1-5. Very good, little sheeple; your pastor has taught you well. [/Darth Vader]
Now then. 2008...:
...and late November 2012. Your call, all right-wing fundies in the US who dare call themselves 'Americans'. [/mega-paradox] [/Schadenfreude ] [/Your Head A Splode] >:D
“Our president is on his knees before God many times, and I feel that he is lead in his actions by Christ.”
You can feel whatever you want, there’s no reason to think the voice in his head comes from outside of it.
“anyone who bashes our presedant has no buissness being considererd AMERICANS...”
Speaking as a 20-year Veteran of the Navy, you can twist your tongue into a Twizzler and bite it off. YOU don’t get to decide who is and isn’t an American, and the exercising of our 1st Amendment Rights is NOT the criteria you hockey puck.
" we should stand behind a man of God as Christians,”
I’m not Christain. And according to many, i never have been. But I am and have always been American you twat waffle.
“not to mention the fact the he is our leader and we need to submit to authority.”
GOTTA wonder if you repeated this refrain during Obama’s administration.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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