AL #fundie

Paul, Thank goodness for your mother and dad.....Their absolute foundations apparently rubbed off on you.
We will see if the idea of empathy alone will bring into harmony over the genreations the violent classrooms and murderous gangs roaming the streets of LA and a thousand other citiies as kids less fortunate than -you- flock to anything because they have nothing solid to stand on, other than a bushel of nebulous conflicting ethical blab, 5% of which is retained.
Less moral absolutes!! Wheeee! + situational ethics! -for countless arbitrary decisions among confused feel good kids that have no substancial base of discipline and no place to go equals a much larger park full of heroin and meth addicts discussing the possibilities of beasteality....... and a machiavellian President with an intern under his desk while talking long distance to terrorist leader Arafat.

When society has no absolutes by which to make daily arbitrary decisions, a most dangerous thing happens....society itself becomes-- absolute.....

Posted by: AL | September 12, 2006 05:21 PM



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