The entrance of sin into the world allowed Satan to corrupt humans and other living creatures. Now we have leaves changed to thorns, teeth changed to poison fangs, genes changed into viruses and useful bacteria into disease producers. Satan corrupted some of the reptiles God originally created into the bizarre creatures we call dinosaurs. God chose not to save them at the time of the Flood. Perhaps God also saw that feeble post-flood humans would not be able to control such large animals. Thus, we suggest that God preserved the air-breathing, land animals, except the very large animals and the corrupted ones.
Isaiah unto you: Read that damn book of fairy tales that you claim to believe in - it says that god created everything, the good and the bad. "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. (Isaiah 45:7, KJV)"
First, stop lying to children. Second, not all - very few, in fact - 'dinosaurs' were big. Third, how is any 'dinosaur' (and I'm using this term loosely, since I suspect most of the creatures you are thinking of weren't dinosaurs at all) more bizarre than a rhinoceros or a giraffe?
"Now we have leaves changed to thorns, teeth changed to poison fangs, genes changed into viruses and useful bacteria into disease producers. Satan corrupted some of the reptiles God originally created into the bizarre creatures we call dinosaurs."
Sounds like evolution to me.
"The entrance of sin into the world allowed Satan to corrupt humans and other living creatures."
No, Satan is a fictional character and sin does not exist.
"Now we have leaves changed to thorns, teeth changed to poison fangs, genes changed into viruses and useful bacteria into disease producers."
No, thorns, poison fangs, viruses and disease-causing bacteria exist, but not because of Satan or God.
"Satan corrupted some of the reptiles God originally created into the bizarre creatures we call dinosaurs."
No, remember, Satan and God are imaginary beings. They did not, will not and cannot cause ANYTHING.
"God chose not to save them at the time of the Flood."
Uh huh. The omnipotent sky-fairy created them and then dumped them?
"Perhaps God also saw that feeble post-flood humans would not be able to control such large animals."
Not a very good explanation as an omnipotent god could simply make humans able to control dinosaurs. In fact, since God is supposedly omniscient, he should have foreseen such a condition from the beginning.
"Thus, we suggest that God preserved the air-breathing, land animals, except the very large animals and the corrupted ones."
I suggest that God and Satan are imaginary and that you are living in a delusion and you are spreading this delusion to young, vulnerable minds.
Excuse me, but could you please give me the actual chapters and verses describing this information you've shared?
I have read several versions of the bible, and cannot find those references anywhere therein.
Perhaps you quote from the anal suppository translation? It sure seems that way by the smell.
Oh no! My genes are evolving (sorry, "changing") into viruses! Wait, what does that even mean? Viruses are made up of genes, in the sense that they contain genetic sequences coding for proteins which are necessary for their replication. But saying "genes changed into viruses" is like saying "food changed into dinner". Wha?
Also, the rest of this post makes no sense either, in an overly-poetic pseudoscientific sort of way.
So... venomous fang-baring creatures, such as vipers, poisonous spiders, etc, are 'corrupted'? Viruses are 'corrupted'? E-coli are 'corrupted'? And God chose not to preserve the corrupted creatures, right?
So why the hell do poisonous fanged animals, viruses, and bacteria still exist, then?! I guess God must've missed those pesky little creatures. Easier to wipe out the dinosaurs, as they found it harder to hide from his wrath. I sure hope God is less sloppy when it comes to his other duties.
"Now we have leaves changed to viruses, teeth changed to thorns, bacteria changed into fangs, and genes changed into disease producers."
There. It makes just as much sense.
“The entrance of sin into the world allowed Satan to corrupt humans and other living creatures.”
Wait. You’re saying Satan could NOT corrupt humans until after Sin entered the world? But sin entered the world because Satan told Woman the truth, and got her to eat from the fruit. So he corrupted at least one human BEFORE sin entered the world.
So your whole premise falls apart.
“Now we have leaves changed to thorns, teeth changed to poison fangs, genes changed into viruses and useful bacteria into disease producers.”
So, sin means there’s no reason to reject Evolutionary theory. Good one.
"Satan corrupted some of the reptiles God originally created into the bizarre creatures we call dinosaurs.”
Except dinos aren’t reptiles, exactly.
“God chose not to save them at the time of the Flood.”
But his instructions to Noah were EVERYTHING. How’d Noah know who to leave behind?
“Perhaps God also saw that feeble post-flood humans would not be able to control such large animals.”
Just throwing shit on the wall to see what sticks, huh?
“Thus, we suggest that God preserved the air-breathing, land animals, except the very large animals and the corrupted ones.”
That’s a lot of exceptions.
And you guys say it’s EVOLUTION that takes a wild imagination and faith.
The suggested timeline conflicts with what has been discovered by observation and science. It also attempts to relate together independent evolution. It also makes generalizations about certain features being "corrupted" into others, without explaining why the original "uncorrupted" forms still exist. The author fails to cite the scriptures that they twist into this strange doctrine, but the false conclusions can also be explained by the false premises. The concept of "sin" is subjective itself: one may consider the indoctrination of children with falsehoods to be unethical and unhealthy. The ones who will really embrace this may end up feeling alienated when facing other people outside of the cult. This may also result in conflicts if the misled victims are stubborn, resulting in them being considered crackpots. In an immature youth context, this may include bullying. Fairy tales may seem harmless, but when they are used as a tool of identity, segregation, manipulation and conflict, it has consequences.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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