/GET YOUR FUCKING TUBES TIED.. if you dont want kids, dont allow the process to have any potential../
What if the woman is raped? Oh, wait, I'm sorry, I forgot. It's women who are supposed to take every precaution against potential rapists, no matter how absurd. They have to control their behavior. Not the pathetic, slobbering excuses for men who brutally attack them. What an imbecile.
/you selfish, inconciderate, pieces of shit/
Calling the kettle black, aren't we?
/why do you refer to me as a healthy, priveleged, white boy?... im healthy because i choose to be/
Yes, and my brother is allergic to dust mites because he chooses to be. He had a whole list of allergies to pick from and he chose dust mites!
Yes, my grandmother chose to be diabetic, as did one of her brothers. Never mind that she was born with diabetes, she decided to have it while in her mother's womb! She loves having to constantly take shots! She loves having to watch what she eats, especially since she has a sweet tooth! Just for good measure, she chose to be allergic to strawberries and have her face turn puffed and blotchy if she eats one.
You are an obnoxious, unfeeling moron. Good grief, grow up.
@Manibeaux, David D.G., vipertaja, and Jade: You have my sympathies. This loser doesn't know what the heck he's talking about.