Intelligent design is a reality.
There is greater complexity in life forms than mankind has the intelligence to duplicate and complexity that has only been observed to the result of intelligence.
Even Richard Dawkins concedes the evidence for ID. He tries to pass it off as the work of space aliens.
I predict that is where secularists will go in the future -- the creator of life on the planet is aliens. Anything to deny the possibility of God.
WTF? I mean I don't like Dawkins much, but I'm VERY sure that he never said "Aliens did it!" in regards to evolution or abiogenesis.
Evolution is also not equal to abiogenesis, for the last time! And wow, what kind of ass-backwards argumentation is that anyway? We humans have not been able to create such complexity, but somehow observed that such complexity was only possible via intelligent design? What kind of intelligence did we observe then?`Can't be us, since we are seemingly not capable of creating such complexity. Can't be god either, since he is very much unobservable if he exists (or at kleast not willing to participate in research of any kind). Soo... back to aliens then? Or you are just full of shit.
And no, evolution IS capable of creating complex organisms. It's not even that hard to understand if you would just finally start to see reason!
"There is greater complexity in life forms than mankind has the intelligence to duplicate...."
Actually, kirkz my boy, if you care to look at some of the wonderful organism that we share the planet with, you'll find significantly less complexity than we can "duplicate" (whatever you mean by that). For example, all vertebrates on the planet share the same basic body plan. Compare a human to an iguana, and either of them to an ostrich or a humpback whale: Four limbs, a tail, two eyes, head at one end with the sensory organs and a "food-goes-in" opening, even our internal organs are pretty much in the same place. Why? Because Biblegod suffered a creator's block during those infamous six days? Or maybe because all vertebrates on the planet evolved from the same common ancestor*?
"Even Richard Dawkins concedes the evidence for ID. He tries to pass it off as the work of space aliens" - Either provide a source reference, or admit you made that up!
Regards & all,
Thomas L. Nielsen
*) Reckoned, these days, IIRC, to be either the Myllokunmingiaor the Haikouichthys, both fishes.
Yup, intelligent design is a reality. In arts and crafts and construction, etc, that is.
And yet, that supposed "complexity" is duplicated every time animals have sex and procreate...
Intelligence not needed, only lust and a willing partner.
Citation needed for the Richard Dawkins "quote".
We're perfectly willing to review any evidence you have for the existence of God. So far, not one iota of evidence for the existence of ANY gods, let alone your particular one, has been presented for peer-review.
While I admit I'm a huge sucker for the Ancient Astronauts hypothesis, I'm pretty sure very few of us go so far as to claim that aliens "made" us. This ain't Star Trek. Or Halo. Or Stargate. Or Assassin's Creed. ...Come to think of it, that does seem popular in Sci-fi recently, doesn't it?
Anyway, I highly doubt Dawkings does so as well.
Still, aliens being seen as deities seems a lot more probable than actual deities; "Any sufficiently advanced alien is indistinguishable from God", after all.
"Even Richard Dawkins concedes the evidence for ID. He tries to pass it off as the work of space aliens."
This is from a quote mine of an article written by Dawkins for the LA Times back in 2008 - link here from the Wayback Machine:,0,2798612.story
Dawkins writes:
"Intelligent design 'theorists' (a misnomer, for they have no theory) often use the alien scenario to distance themselves from old-style creationists: 'For all we know, the designer might be an alien from outer space.' This attempt to fend off accusations of unconstitutionally importing religion into science classes is lame and disingenuous. All the leading intelligent design spokesmen are devout, and, when talking to the faithful, they drop the science-fiction fig leaf and expose themselves as the fundamentalist creationists they truly are."
So, this claim is actually Dawkins quoting what he says some from the I.D. movement believe; not what HE believes.
The alien comment by Dawkins was him being hypothetical saying that that was the most believable possibility for intelligent design. He was not saying he actually believes that.
Christians are too literal, the idea of being hypothetical never crosses their minds.
The original scientific creationism was fundies trying to sound sciency. Their line was
"see how the scientifical evidence agrees with the bible chapter verse quote . . ."
Edwords v Aguilard said all the bible quoting makes it religion no matter how sciencey you try to sound.
Six months later ID was invented. It had no bible quotes and no claim of a giant man with a long white beard who lives on clouds. Because of this some fundies consider it a satanic compromise with atheism.
The force that designed us is chemistry, aided and abetted by natural selection over many millions of years. If you want to call the laws of physics and chemistry "intelligence", go right ahead, be my guest. You can call them "black magic", you can even call them "Ralph". It doesn't matter what you call them, because (1) you'd be wrong, anyway, and (2) they have never been known to come when you call them. Come to think of it, that's a lot like "god", who never comes when you call, right?
You're on to something there! I hereby call the laws of chemistry "god". All theology students should have decent laboratory facilities, where they can request "god in a bottle" from the stock room.
Intelligent design is a reality you were born on 21 st December 2005, kid?
Anyone like you who hasn't heard the bad news - for you fundie Cre(a)ti(o)nist Christains - must either be twelve years old, be living in a certain river in Egypt, or be so functionally retarded, that they'll accept anything told them: certainly after a certain precedent-setting court case. anyway, on the subject of rivers I have this rather nice bridge over the Thames in London for sale; good condition, one previous owner, and over 9000 miles on the clock. I'll even throw in a free 'cdesign proponentsists' t-shirt...!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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