In the old days, it was widely acknowledged that girls went to college to find better husbands than would be available at the local diner. They’d sit in on classes about Renaissance art and French philosophy for a few years, write some papers, study a bit, and find the future father of their children. Today, however, it would be a terrible insult to suggest such a thing. Why, what does a man have to do with it? Women don’t chase credentials and status to snag a higher status man, you misogynist!
But they do, because it’s natural. And this is why inflating the status of young women while depressing the status of their male counterparts is turning out to be a social disaster. Few fertile women want to settle for their equal or inferior when they have access to higher status men. In such an environment, extramarital affairs are all but guaranteed.
If society were capable of being honest with itself about these sorts of things, we’d have to admit that it would have been better for everyone if, instead of racking up degrees and awards, Paula Broadwell had stuck to sewing doilies and baking cookies. That way, at least her contributions could have had a net positive effect. As it is, she did achieve something quite spectacular, but nothing to be proud of as it turns out.
Finally... a Male Privilege Meathead quote that doesn't openly lend its support to paedos...
... and he talks about "hypergamy." Of course. It's almost as though you can tell what he's talking about before he even talks.
How about you stuck to sewing doilies and baking cookies. Comparing you and average woman, it is obvious who is more valuable and intelligent. Also, don´t those fuckheads realize that if even a single thing they say was true, society WOULD HAVE collapsed a LONG time ago?
In the old days, women weren't allowed to have a career after they were married, so all they could do was to find a promising man.
Nowadays, women can have careers of their own, and make their own money, so they can choose a husband more freely; out of love rather than due to crass financial reasons.
Who's doing this "inflating" and "depressing"? Few women worry about their fertility until AFTER they've found someone they like and want to spend their lives with.
Extramarital affairs were all but guaranteed in the old days, too. Pretty young women were wooed by "higher status men" and persuaded to “give in”. Then the "higher status men" went on with their lives; marrying the horse-faced daughter of a rich man (aka "a higher status woman"). The young women were left with the shame and a bastard, or "natural child".
Where's the net positive of doilies? A degree can get you a job, and a good salary; independence and prosperity.
No, it was widely thought that women blah blah blah, just like it was widely thought Southerners joined the armed forces in such large numbers because they were too stupid to go to college, and black people lived in ghettos because they like to live in close proximity to each other. All three contentions and many more are complete BS and were invented to cover up the failures of American society.
And WTF is a complete and utter moron.
Yeah, why should a woman waste time with higher education when she's just going to end up cooking, cleaning, and popping out babies?
Just out of curiosity, Gospodin Price, what is the gravity like on your planet? I suspect it is significantly in excess of 1 G, since it would appear that it keeps the blood away from your brain, but I would appreciate confirmation.
Regards & all,
Thomas L. Nielsen
@Grey Rook
Hypergamy is the crackpot idea MPMs have that all women want a man who is "better" than they. It's sorta related to all the PUA bullshit in a sense, but it's often quite anti-PUA (but believe me, many anti-PUA MPMs are even worse than PUAs).
But they do, because it’s natural.
No they don't - because over 40% of marriages end in divorce, so a woman would be a fool to become entirely dependent on a husband and not prepared to support herself. Sewing doilies and baking cookies won't pay your rent when your deadbeat, unemployed ex-husband is no longer around to do it for you.
What's the point of spending boatloads of money to go to a college just so you can find a mate? How impractical!
I tell ya, these MPMs are CRAY-CRAY!
In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking but now God knows anything goes!
Anything Goes, by Cole Porter
"In the old days, it was widely acknowledged that girls went to college to find better husbands than would be available at the local diner."
image welcome to the 21st Century, W.T.F. Price.
The thought that the highly educated Hillary Clinton could become the Leader of the Free World scares you, doesn't it?
Good. >:D
Or in W.T.F. Price's case, on the subject of supercomputers, Tianhe 2 . 'Tianhe' translates from Chinese as 'Milky Way'.
And Pricey-boy's so out there, he's way beyond our galaxy, that's for sure!
>In the old days, it was widely acknowledged...
that leeches, mercury, and exorcism were valid ways to treat diseases. Fuck the old days.
... turning out to be a social disaster.
If Wrigley changed the color of its gum wrappers, Price would proclaim it "a social disaster."
In the "good old days" European rulers solve their debt problems by confiscating the property of Jews, as well as encouraging antisemitism.
Just because something happened in olden times and benefit certain segments of society at the expense of others doesn't make it the right thing to do in this day and age.
In the Before Time, Onlys and Grups got along. Now it's just BUMP-BUMP! BUMP-BUMP! BUMP-BUMP! What's the world coming to? And ... Who moved my Ralston?
Shredded Ralston Jingle
(Tune - When the Bloom is on the Sage
(aka When It's Roundup Time in Texas))
When it's Ralston time at breakfast
And it surely is a treat
That good full flavored Ralston
Made of golden western wheat
Wrangler says it's "Deeeelicious!"
And you priving for you food [???]
For a lot of cream it sure tastes keen
The for breakfast too [???]
Ask your mother in the morning
To serve a steaming plate
It's ground up whole wheat cereal
And the cowboys think its great
Once you try it, you will buy it
For it's really swell to eat
Even Zippy-Zoo[?] say its good for you
Ralston cereal can't be beat!
Sorry. Brain obviously damaged by that post. Garbage in, garbage out. Fuck the old days!
@ Creedence Leonore Gielgud
Leeches are used currently with certain procedures such as reattaching a limb to prevent the blood from clotting and killing said limb. Granted, this is a very different context but still the nit picking fact nazi in me must point that out.
@Goomy pls & Grey Rook
I elucidate the difference in the way that PUAs and MPMs think about hypergamy.
PUAs think "let me say something to trick this woman into thinking that she's worse off than me, so that she would want me!"
MPMs think "let us make the women worse off than us, so that they would want us!"
PUAs prefer to lower women's self-esteem while simultaneously giving an inflated impression of their own worth. MPMs want to force women into actual inferiority, so that they have no choice but to look up to even mediocre men.
Because they're both convinced that all women everywhere are always looking to trade up.
Uh huh. Actually it would be a terrible insult to suggest that women ever went to college solely to bag a maaan.
So,somehow society should force women to "settle" for the "lesser men" by denying them higher education? Yeah. That'd work out swell. I like how dick bags like this are essentially saying that women need to be "dumbed down" for the men. "We can't allow the women to get too powerful! How will all of us gross, piss brained shitballs get laid if the ladies have standards!?"
Oh, right. Blame all affairs on women. Because men never have affairs, they're just innocent bystanders. And a woman being involved in an affair invalidates everything else she does in life, of course.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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