waiting1 #conspiracy rr-bb.com
Curious.... If Obama declared himself dictator tomorrow, what would our military do? I have to believe there would be defections. Most likely west and east coasts allied with Obama, and flyover country comprising of the Republic Rebels (my term). In that situation, Obama has all but won without a single shot fired. He who controls our nation's seaports and major tributaries already have a massive leg up.
Not sure about the east coast, but the line on the west coast would start in Canada and follow the Cascade Mountain Range through Washington, Oregon (effectively splitting those two states) and most of northern California, perhaps only as far as Redding. Obama would control the west side of the Cascades and all of central/southern Cali. Everyone east of the Cascades, save for the sin cities of Reno and Vegas would be anti-Obama, stretching all the way from Idaho/Utah/Montana to Ohio/Kentucky/Tennessee and possibly Georgia and the Carolinas. Northern states such as Illinois, Pennsylvania and the entire northeastern cooridor would be firm Obama country. Colorado could be a toss up, but the rebels would have Utah, Wyoming, Kansas, Ohlahoma and Texas to keep them in line,
In such a situation, it really comes down to one thing: Omama has the majority of people and large cities, but the rebels would occupy most of the land.
I wonder if something like that will start to take place soon after the Rapture, at least until the AC comes on the scene to put a stop to it (for the sake of "peace"). Just thinking out loud, as it were.