No, in a science class we want to reject things that aren't science.
Don't you fucking get it? Science is like a dog show; Scientists want to include all dogs and have them judged fairly on their own merits. Creationists/IDiots show up with a story about a supernatural sky-pixie and when the scientists say "This show is only for dogs", they bitch about how the scientists want to "ban all alternate ideas" and are persecuting them for their religious beliefs. Creationists/IDiots insist on calling their sky-pixie a dog, and insist it be given the "best of show" trophy. It can't compete in any way with the show dogs, and they have no evidence of it or that it is the best in the show other than they "believe it is", "they read it in some 2000 year-old book", and "a lot of people believe" in their specific sky-pixie. Not only do they want their sky-pixie to be the only dog, anything that we currently consider a dog is "the work of the devil", "lies from the pit of hell", and "the source of all societal ills including murder, rape, child abuse, abortion, alcoholism, drug abuse, homosexuality, pornography, prostitution, and is what got mandatory prayers to their specific sky-pixie thrown out of public schools". Hitler and Stalin had dogs, you know. As such, they're the epitome of evil, and must be destroyed.
Creationism/IDiocy is NOT SCIENCE! It gets rejected because IT'S NOT SCIENCE!!! The Kitzmiller v. Dover verdict clearly says just that, in a court of law. If you reject that law, you're going to hell because your "holy book of morality" in Romans says "Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment."
We'll consider teaching of creationism in science class right after you allow teaching of evolution in your church. I'm sure IN YOUR CHURCH, GOD DOES FORBID ALTERNATIVES ARE TAUGHT. What's that first commandment say again? If you aren't teaching evolution in church, now who's "banning all mention of alternate ideas" and "not being open minded"? Your church should also be teaching EVERY OTHER creation myth, including the Egyptian myth that says the universe and everything in it is the result of Atum's masturbation. Stop banning alternate ideas! Teach the controversy and let the kids decide, you know.