"Contrary to what they claim atheists really don't have a problem with the possibility of God existing.
I have never claimed I had a problem with a god existing. For all I know, many gods exist.
What I have a problem with is the Christian god (and others that I'm familiar with) existing simply because there's no fucking evidence for it. I see no reason why a god--or something that we would understand as such--couldn't exist somewhere, but it sure as hell isn't interacting with us and I also see no reason to worship something that might exist and, if it does, doesn't seem to want or need me to worship it. The actual likelihood of any sort of entity existing that actually is a god is very, very low I would think, and probably zero.
"It's Jesus that they despise and for good reason."
I don't despise Jesus; I think he didn't exist as your Wholly Babble describes him. Someone--or a few someones that were later combined into the Biblical Jesus figure--probably existed, had a small following, taught some things, and so on. They, however, were not a demigod, almost certainly weren't as influential as the Bible would like me to believe, and probably didn't say or do nearly anything that the Bible records them as doing.
"If they are wrong about God, as taught by any other religion, they are still OK because they try to be 'good people' and have nothing to worry about."
You haven't actually examined other religions very thoroughly, have you?
"But wrong about Jesus?
That depends entirely on which version of Christianity is the right one, doesn't it?