The Presidential Seal falling off the podium at a speech made by Obama.
George Dumbya Bush's popularity rating crashing through not only the floor, but through the crust, mantle, core and out the other side of the Earth, as he became the most unpopular president in the US's history.
One of these things is not like the other. Which is it, Ruptured Retards?
"Oh and btw, as one of the apostles of my church is fond of saying, American only has one president - Jesus - "
The Constitution - the same document that annihilated your claim that 'America is a Christian country (Kudos to Lucifer for providing the proof to the contrary):
Says nothing of the kind. Like I said on that thread time & again, show me anywhere in sid Constitution the words 'God', 'Jesus' or at least 'Creator'. But you can't. Neither can your so-called 'apostles'. Therefore they're going to Hell: The 9th Commandment, and all that jazz, amirite dearie? Besides, try thinking for yourself, and surgically removing yourself from the sheeple hivemind of that so-called 'church' you belong to. It won'y kill you. Just your so-called 'faith'.
"and all other authority is delegated. I think that's what God was trying to remind President Obama and the nation with this incident. He was showing that He, God, gives and takes away political power"
I didn't know that your so-called 'God' was a registered voter. News to me. But then, he wouldn't be able to, as he's not a citizen of the USA, nor has he ever deigned to ever show his face around here. If he can't, then it proves only one thing: your so-called 'God' doesn't exist.
"and that if that power is abused, he can raise up other leaders for the nation who will do his will, as he's clearly doing for the November election with godly candidates like Christine O'Donnel and the African-American man (can't rememer his nname) who is running in Colorado."
Romans 13:1-7 says otherwise. And the very fact you're saying what you are means you're going to Hell.
But anyway, anything you say is you merely being true to your real screename: Troll4life. Therefore...:
(*pats Troll4Life on head*):
That's right, dear. Now you go back to your plastic model bridge and your plushie goats, the adults are talking.
"If God has so much influence, why did he make him win the elections from the very beginning?"
Like I say (and which the likes of Troll4Life are in denial about):
Romans 13:1-7.
Read it & weep, anti-Obama fundies. We had the eight-year nightmare that was George Dumbya Bush, it's now your turn. Now SUFFER!