[(The dinosaurs on Noah's Ark) would inbreed themselves into extinction.]
Not necessarily. Back then, DNA really didn't matter as much, and inbreeding didn't get as crossed as it is today with all of our DNA in our bodies.
And the evidence of his little weird hypothesis will be in the bible, because it said so then DNA could not have been important. The animals were purely formed by GOD. They did not need any evil DNA to stay in shape nor reproduce! Why need DNA when you have GOD? Who casted a flood because his own creation pissed HIM off! AND HIS FUCKING ANIMALS AND HUMAN BEINGS DID NOT NEED DNA AND ... AAARRGGH!
I can't stand it anymore! How dumb can you get??
Riddle me this, Batman:
If God decided that he'd fuxed the whole deal up, why did he go through the enormous trouble of flodding the entire world, and saving only one drunkard and his family to start over with?
Why didn't he just do the whole damn thing over from scratch?
What do you think DNA is?, a PhD on Quantum physics to say that "it didn´t matter as much". It does, you idiot!!!, it´s our mark of identity, now, then, and forever and inbreeding had the same consequences. Please, if you want to explain the Genesis in the light of science, follow the rules. There was not a total convulsion after the flood so that all laws of physics and biology changed.
The more you morons try and fit observable facts into your creation account, the more you come off sounding desperate.
Face facts, there is absolutely no physical evidence that a global flood ever took place.
The geological column and the fossil strata, never mind all the radiometric dating techniques, all disprove a young earth model.
Genesis is a myth, just like all the other creation myths invented by primitive people with no scientific knowledge.
Yours has simply endured longer because it was tied to Christianity.
It's still wrong.
Once, I believed that no one could be this stupid. I was wrong. Face it, FSTDTers, we are the last great hope for humanity.
Fundy Grandpa:
When I was your age children respected their elders, Coke only cost a nickel, and DNA just didn't matter as much. God determined who a person was. Incest was okay if God allowed it. And we had to walk to church. 10 miles through the snow every day. Uphill both ways.
If the story of Noah's ark was true, then he was a remarkable man. You, on the other hand, are a retard. Clearly, therefore, the effect of inbreeding still held true.
when I was younger and into the whole church thing, I had a student study Bible.
No joke, that is exactly what it said in the margins on the Genesis. It said the gene pool was smaller then so it would've been ok for people and animals to inbreed.
I believed it, too, cause I was in like, 8th grade and didn't know the first thing about DNA, and if I ever cared to learn about it, the whole "God did it, don't worry about it" wall would go up in my mind.
Fundamentalism really does stunt your growth, mentally at least.
Oh, come now, come. If your going to start making stuff up and forging stories, they might as well be good. Try aswell to research some science, it's a good basis for the science fiction you're writing.
You kids today and your fancy reproduction methods! Back in my day we didn't have all this newfangled sexual relations business. When we wanted a kid, we just split. It hurt like the dickens, BUT WE LIKED IT!
(all credit goes to my significant other)
now see, fundies, we call this thing Occam's razor, and it's a good tool for determining what is more likely than what, and
According to you fundie dolts, this Flood thing happened less than 6000 years ago. That is a very short space of time, genetically speaking. There is no "back then" about it, it's the equivalence of "just last week". DNA mattered just as much last week as it does today.
Where do you imagine we had all our DNA "back then", if it wasn't in our bodies? You do know that pineapples have more chromosomes than humans, right, and that ferns have even more than both species? That we are not the crown of evolution, just a foot-note like all other species, and doomed to extinction, sooner or later, right?
"Back then, DNA really didn't matter as much"
Dontcha y'know? Cause DNA was a magical process that angels looked over, because it's all about jobs n' gettin' Heaven workin, which is why we all gotta pray fer the troops who will bring the Oil rigs back in line n' get God's graces rolling over the tax-brakes for the down-trodden rich wo work so hard for our benifit in this country them made all by themselves with God smiling in gratitude for Millionaires and Billionaires charity. And why are we even talking about DNA when the NRA is the really important part of God's overall plan to rid us of liberal agendas because it's all about the family and their big-gulp freedom that even the Kenyan can't take away from us, not on momma grizzlies watch. dontchaknow? (Wink.lick my teeth, arch my back alittle, play with my hair)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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