i doubt it's been around millions of years, 6,000 years sounds about right. doesn't make much difference though. when you think about it it makes more sense for it to only be thousands of years old, if it's been around for millions, i can't imagine what's being happening these past million years.
We have written records, of some sort or other, of at least 12 000 years of human history. We have trees that tell us that Earth has been forested for at least that time as well. If you count in cave paintings as written record, you have to go some 300 000 years further into the past.
How do you know the world wasn't created last Thursday?
Btw, the universe has not just been around for millions of years. It's actually billions of years. What's been happening? Evolution, stupid. Abiogenesis first, of course, but then evolution.
"if it's been around for millions, i can't imagine what's being happening these past million years"
You don't need to imagine. There are these things called books, see, and they have information in them that will help you. If you haven't seen one before, ask a responsible grown-up person(your pastor, if you have one, doesn't count). They'll point you in the right direction. That way you'll be able to build up your brain as well as your biceps. The combinaton can be quite attractive, you know!
These past millions are but a tiny drop in the ocean of the Earth's existence. I know big numbers are hard for fundies to grasp, but the past million years has just seen a continuation of what was happening for billions (yes, that's a 'b') of years before it.
6000 years sounds about right only for something that happened 6000 years ago. And maybe in another 6000 years you'll have learned to use capital letters where appropriate.
"How do you know the world wasn't created last Thursday?
It was last Wednesay.
Stop the blasphemy."
Naah, it must have been the Tuesday... I can remember it. I don't remember last Monday...
i can't imagine what's being happening these past million years.
I doubt you can imagine much before the Reagan administration, but you don't need to if you can read, and are willing.
So the universe has to conform to whatever 'sounds about right' to you? Why?
Just because you 'can't imagine what's being(sic) happening these past million years' doesn't mean nothing has been happening.
The good thing is that science is true whether or not you believe in it. Science is true regardless of what you can't imagine, regardless of what doesn't make sense to you, and regardless of what doesn't sound right to you.
"if it's been around for millions(EDIT{BILLIONS}END EDIT), i can't imagine what's being happening these past million(EDIT{BILLIONS}END EDIT) years"
I cant imagine what it would be like to be hung drawn and quartered by drooling religious fanatics, but that does not mean it hasn't happened.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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