A monkey brain is a monkey brain and a human brain is a human brain. I have seen no evidence that a monkey brain is evolving into a human brain.
A monkey brain doesn't need to evolve into a human brain. It's perfectly adapted to its niche in Nature. Just as we are perfectly adapted to our niche in Nature. For now. Humans are not the be all and end all of evolution, stupid. Sometime, probably rather soon, humans will have played out our part in Earth History, and we will become extinct. Some other species will evolve into Prime Position. And we won't care, as we won't exist.
In Swedish, Great Apes are called Human Apes. One of those Human Apes is Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
"A monkey brain is a monkey brain and a human brain is a human brain. I have seen no evidence that a monkey brain is evolving into a human brain."
No, but I see evidence that a human brain is turning into a monkey brain.
Yeah, so what? We don't expect it to. That's not how evolution works.
Learn the facts before spouting nonsense.
“A monkey brain is a monkey brain and a human brain is a human brain. I have seen no evidence that a monkey brain is evolving into a human brain.”
Would you be able to tell them apart if one was removed from a skull and thrown into your lap?
If you had both, could you describe the differences between them?
Could you sort a Chimp’s brain, a Gibbon’s, a Gorilla’s, an Orangutan’s, and a humans? Would you BET YOUR LIFE that you could not make an error?
So where have you looked for this evidence of sometihng that NO FUCKING SCIENTISt claims to exist?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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