Nevsah Fidan Karamehmet #fundie

Atheists do not know how to breathe properly: Turkish therapist


Atheists do not believe God exists because they do not know how to breathe correctly, a Turkish breathing therapist has claimed.
Speaking on the private broadcaster CNN TÜRK on Dec. 18, Nevsah Fidan Karamehmet, a self-claimed breathing therapist, suggested atheists had no breath in their rib cages for a reason related to “magnetic fields” there.
“Radical atheists come to my seminars. There are many serious researches conducted to find the relations between breathing and thinking. For example, atheists’ abdominal breathing is perfect but there is no breath in here,” she said, pointing at her rib cage. “There is a bulge in the rib cage. It is like there’s a stone in there.”
She claimed that hundreds of thousands of atheists who she conducted breathing exercises on in the end had said they found God.
“During our exercises, we focus especially on the body part that has difficulties breathing. When we fix the breathing problem, the mind has a revival. I know many who said in tears at the end of the seminars that they found God,” she said.
Karamehmet’s remarks have caused uproar on social media.



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