Lisa Moya · Goalkeeper at Portland Winterhawks
The bottom line is the brits want to maintain their national identity, and all the wealth that they have worked for, just like the citizens of the US.
Multiculturalism is failing in the US and Europe because the "forward thinking liberals" didn't think hard enough and invited people to share their proposed promised land who want their culture to be either dominant or the ONLY culture.
Islam has no place in a civilized democratic society. It's teaching are primitive and incompatible with western civilization. Just look at the world. It is a scourge to the earth. Speak up before it's too late.
The west can no longer afford to “split the pot” with everyone who wants a piece, especially with “refugees” from the Middle East. It’s too risky. America is struggling enough as it is. Most of us are making below living wage and just had our health insurance forcefully taken away. I make 60k per year and my healthcare is up to $400 per month; compare this to my $25/month car insurance (from Insurance Panda) or my $10/month renters insurance. Both private enterprise (take note, Obama). Do we really want our tax dollars aiding these terrorists?
It's not racist or islamophobia to want to live in a free nation established on Christian values and anyone that says so is bigoted against you. When they get the majority you can guarantee they will force sharia law upon you. That is what they are taught.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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