If your husband and you do not want children and are intending never to have children, you do not have a marriage
A response from further down the thread:
"i know a girl at my old work who's in her fifties now, she and her hubbie never wanted children preferring to holiday in greece twice a year and live it up. i feel so sorry for her and you (hope you don't take offense) as you're really missing out and its too late for her..."
Gak! Only a self-loathing catholic would feel "sorry" for a couple who got to "live it up" and enjoy not one, but two vacations in Greece every year.
And only a nimrod would refer to a mature woman in her 50s as a "girl."
Sorry. My wife and I have been married for 20 years. We love each other dearly. We can not have children. The blame lies with me, I suppose, I'm infertile. We found that out a few years into our marriage. My wife never questioned our marriage, never stopped loving me, never looked back. No regrets.
Now these asshats show up and tell me we aren't married.
I can't even type anymore I'm so upset.
Sandman, my condolences. I'm sure that's a sore point, and I am glad that you and your wife do not define marriage simply by reproduction.
In fairness to the fundie here, she refers to a couple's intent or desire to have children, not their ability to have children, so I think she might cut you some slack (if that matters). That said, however, I still think she's absolutely nuts for imposing on others her own ideas of what makes a marriage worthwhile, let alone attempting to redefine marriage itself. That's just not remotely consistent with reality.
~David D.G.
No, I don't think this idiot would cut us any slack. We talked a lot when we found out we could not have children and we realized that we were going to have to let go of our desire for children if we were going to be happy. Otherwise there would always be a void in our lives and it would be too easy to turn on each other over it. We were not then in a position where we could adopt, and now it's really too late in our lives for that.
So we don't want children, we made peace with that and let that go long ago.
So if my widdowed mother, who is past menopause, would like to re-marry, it would be bad. And if my lesbian neighbours wish to be married and have children, with a sperm doner, that would be good.
To truly be a fundie, you have to be able to make really stupid statements without thinking them through logically. This qualifies!
Actually, if she's also one of those "gay marriage shouldn't be legal because gay people can't have babies" people, this is a refreshing step away from much of the hypocrisy that holders of that position display.
Big if?
At least he's being consistent. Most fundies (and senators) who object to gay marriage say the straight marriage is special because it can bear children but don't follow through to the logical conclusion that people unwilling or unable to have children shouldn't be allowed to get married.
The reason of course is that (at least for most of them) their objection to gay marriage has little or nothing to do with children, but it works as a convinient excuse, so they don't have to voice their true opinions, which they know are too bigoted to garner much support.
Well, pianobitch, my wife would kick your ass for such an ignorant, fucked up comment.
We got married well past child bearing years, but LOVE to fuck as often as possible, without any intent, whatever, at getting pregnant.
You should simply fuck off and die.
Well, I agree with one of the posts. If I re-marry or marry for the first time at 60, for whatever reason, am I living in sin?
We talked a lot when we found out we could not have children and we realized that we were going to have to let go of our desire for children if we were going to be happy.
Er ... if both of you had a desire for children of your own, but you were infertile, couldn't the two of you adopt? (Or bring a turkey baster with you to the local sperm bank?)
And, besides, what are they supossed to do? if they choose not to marry, they are living in sin, if they don't live together, they are singles and their life style is bad. How can you be happy with those guys, just having 80 clones of you?(by the way, my mom couldn't have more children apart from my brother and I because of an illness. Does it mean that she's a single mother?)
Really pianomom? My marriage license says different. Sorry, but my womb is NOT the feature that attracted my husband. Go fuck yourself. Obviously, you need to, because your good ol' Catlick husband probably doesn't fuck you anymore since he got you knocked up..since you Catholics think that's the only thing sex is good for.
Maybe a crucifix vibrator would do you some good...
Fuck you and your weak world. Die.
If you actually WANT children, why not adopt?
There's a long list of children who need homes. Rather than bring more children into the world, why not provide a good home for some of the ones who we have that need one?
Of course, that argument is going to be lost on the likes of pianomom, or anyone else who thinks it's every man and woman's God-given duty to bring a dozen clones of themselves into the world.
Well, you have to remember that pianoupherassmom would never be deemed fit to adopt a kid by any rational adoption agency anyway, so if she wants impressionable minds to brainwash she needs to pop them herself.
I have an AWESOME marriage, tons of hot sex with my one and only, and no drooling, disgusting sprog. Shut the fuck up, you dumb ass cunt moo.
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