Feminism IS a goddess cult, and ritual prostitution is overseen by the pimps in the seat of government.
It’s not that Joe Biden, for instance, really wants ascend the marble steps of Temple Vajayjay on bloodied hands and knees – no, he just makes use of the temple whores to subvert and distract the masses of men who’ve been led to believe that a relatively brief stay within the sacred chamber comes at the price of gyno-worship and self loathing.
In a sense (a very real and practical sense) worship of the Goddess has been with us for a generation or two.
It’s obviously in mainstream culture, but it’s also present – no, PREVALENT in Christendom as well.
Porn re-inforces the object of worship while making proscelytes of the very young.
The unwashed gents who cannot, in any way, shape or form render due sacrifice at the temple gates are treated to slutwalks – with even the most hideous mudbound “goddess” demanding that these men cast downward their eyes when in the presence of the least worshipworthy bearers of the goddess chamber.
I sincerely hope that the Priestesses are busily carving their stone (or is it plastic) idol right now, preparing to present the one, truly worshipped goddess of our time, for all to see, during Passover and Christian Holy Week.
Let the subversive tactics, having long been the tactic they thought they needed to employ, be damned.
That could be our only hope- in a manner of speaking.
Millions of men are too dull witted – too obsessed with satisfying their glandular urges while laying claim to gutted piety- to let the truth sink in and cease being the Goddess’ minions.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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