The biggest mistake atheist make is that they take there opinions to be so called 'truths'... Also, as I was saying before, in atheism, human emotions and thoughts are meaningless... If religion is an opiate, than atheism is flat out stupidity.
In atheism, we're all we have.
In religion, the religion is all, your thoughts are and emotions are meaningless to the sky-daddys rules.
The "opiate" term is about religion making it's people Zombie-like. Dead of will and independance
The biggest mistake fundies make is that they take there opinions to be so called 'truths'... Also, as I was saying before, in religion, human emotions and thoughts are meaningless... If religion is an opiate, than religion is flat out stupidity.
Fixed with three words.
Truth is the very active bible god, directing everything from how to rape and kill to what you can wear or eat, slaughtering multitudes and lying to Eve. That god has shut his insane mouth and kept it shut for about 2000 years. Lucky us, that have no fear of the "it" that it's followers quiver before. It's takes bravery to stand and say I am atheist, a coward needs a crowd, a book and a belief in that which will not be proven.
First, "then" and "than" are not interchangeable.
Second, once again with the atheist in singular. If there is only one in the world, why are you so scared of him/her? And why then are you using the word "they" when you talk about him/her?
Third, learn about atheism before you state things about it.
My opinion is my opinion, nothing more, nothing less.
Things i see:
- Shiny mirror
- Horseshit
- Drug abuse
- More horseshit
- Awful fundie grammar
In that order.
EDIT: thx Justanotheratheist, now it's a complete set.
Add the usual crap fundie grammar to your list and you have it all.
Then compare it to the writings of a Dawkins, or a Hitchens, or a Hawking. If they are stupid, then I'm proud to be, too.
He's scared of him cause this one atheist is in fact a godlike being due to him being able to appear in multiple places at one time in many guises (omnipresence), know the arguements of theism and effortlessly refute them(omniscience) and his ability to singlehandedly best the world's largest religions (omnipotence).
"Things i see:
- Shiny mirror
- Horseshit
- Drug abuse
- More horseshit
- Awful fundie grammar
In that order."
You took the words out of my mouth. A thought: If a fundie like Human_Fighter is in an anime fan forum, then his own range of allowable titles must be extremely limited. I mean, even the most inoffensive titles, such as "Spirited Away" and "CardCaptor Sakura" deal with supernatural themes (the spirit world in the former; use of magic - cards in this case - in the latter).
H_F had better not watch "Bible Black", "Boku no Pico", and "Panty & Stocking (with Garterbelt)" if he knows what's good for him.
...oh wait.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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