All the monkey to man evolution theories of our "ancestors" of: Piltdown,Nebraska,Peking,Cro-Magnon,Java,Heidelberg and Australopithecus Man..ALL HAVE BEEN DEBUNKED, but are still being taught as REALITY in our schools of "higher education".....They teach THEORIES OF'EVOLUTION'... NOT is an ASSUMTION.. They take a single fragment of bone, and create whole genomes of cave men.... There is NO fossil record to prove we EVOLVED.... MICROevolution is is not evolution either - it is VARIETY of KIND(like humankind)....... DONT FALL FOR THIS TRIPE about now they can make a caveman talk... Maybe I need to get some stupid idiot in the Government sponsor me and to throw money my way, so I can prove that my car can talk if given time to EVOLVE......
(bored, disaffected voice) The word "theory" does not mean what you think it means, evolution does not work that way, and inanimate objects cannot evolve for the astoundingly simple reason that THEY ARE NOT FUCKING ALIVE AND DO NOT REPRODUCE.
"in our schools of "higher education""
Who is teaching fundies that throwing quotation marks around a word is a way of discrediting the subject matter? This is the second quote i've seen lately with inverted commas being slung around with wild abandon.
Critisism- You're doin' it wrong.
Creation "theory" has been debunked, too, as have some evolution hoaxes such as Nebraska man, Piltdown man, etc.. Don't forget it was the scientific communities which debunked those hoaxes, not your preachers. However, the ToE remains one of the best supported scientific theories of all time, not debunked at all.
Maybe you need to get some of the smart people to sponsor you in some good non-religious school.
You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means...
- Inigo Montoya... (You also killed my father, prepare to die)
Oh and Cro Magnon is real as is australopithecus.
Those Geico commercials with the cavemen? Yeah, they're actors. We do not have talking cavemen. There have been some mistakes, and some frauds. But considering the shit creationists throw out there, you don't really have a right to complain about mistakes.
No theories are taught in school until they are proven beyond reasonable doubt or debunked, and they are then taught as the mistakes of science.
We do not make the mistake of believing ourselves infallible, but where you come from, I can understand why you would suspect us of this.
And in a slightly metaphorical way, cars ARE evolving, and GPS and Sync DO talk, so you are a FUCKING NOOB GFTO OFF MY INTERTUBES AND READ THE WIKIPEDIA FOR IT IS THE ONE TRUTH
Prove it.
Scientific theories have been reasearched for years and are backed up by facts. What kind of idiot are you?
Maybe I need to get some stupid idiot in the Government sponsor me...
You cant sponsor yourself. Sorry.
@ nfp :
I can has cookie too?
"Maybe I need to get some stupid idiot in the Government sponsor me and to throw money my way, so I can prove that my car can talk if given time to EVOLVE......"
No, your car will only talk after it touches a mass-shifting cube of ultimate doom, and even then it will wait until after the evil alien robot army has been defeated, and its leader killed with that very same cube.
"so I can prove that my car can talk if given time to EVOLVE......"
Except that your car is not alive. Evolution only works on living organisms that can reproduce and pass off traits to their offspring.
If you think your car can evolve your clearly have no clue whatsoever regarding evolution. Not that we didn't already know that, but you have made it glaringly obvious.
You should also learn a bit about the word theory, what it means and its place in science.
Back to the drawing board for you, buddy.
Dealing with these people really is like playing infinite Whack-A-Mole. No matter how many times you beat them down with evidence that their claims are completely wrong, mistaken, unfounded, distorted, or just plain lies, they pop up again and spout the same old nonsense as if you'd never said a word. It's downright depressing sometimes.
~David D.G.
Fun fact: the primates that humans originally evolved from are now extinct. Humans have not originated from any extant species of ape, and furthermore we have so many transitional forms that this cry of there being a missing link becomes an outright lie. Finally it's not necessary to prove ape to human evolution because humans are still apes, as we were defined by a Christian scientists two hundred years before Darwin.
O rly?
Only Piltdown, which was a deliberate fraud, has been debunked. Nebraska Man was never "bunked" in the first place> it is largely the creation of an English popular magazine that rushed to print without all the facts.
ZugTheMegasaurus wrote:
"That is the longest, strangest sentence I've seen in some time..."
Well, technically, an ellipsis is exactly 3 periods long. If you see FOUR periods in a row, you're supposed to interpret it as an end-of-sentence period FOLLOWED by an ellipsis.
Cue the Knight Rider theme song. "Michael, evolution does not work that way." While we're watching 80s TV, can we watch repeats of "The A-Team" as well?"
Good idea, particularly since we have a fool who needs some weapon-grade pitying here.
Piltdown is taught as an example of science triumphing over fraudulent specimens.
I learned (briefly) about evolutionary Biology in fifth grade. If that is what you call "higher education", then I understand your lack of grasp of grammar and spelling.
Scientific theories = layman's facts.
Actually, a theory is a collection of tested and approved facts, ergo a theory is so much more than facts.
We share about 98 percent of our DNA with Chimpanzees and Bonobos, and we have DNA-rests from Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon and other non-Homo Sapiens humanoid species.
Machines, like cars, don't reproduce sexually and they don't have biological offspring.
(If they did, I'd be out of a job, as the company where I work produce warehouse trucks.)
Monkey to man isn't an evolutionary theory, common ancestry is an evolutionary theory.
Two of those have been debunked as frauds or mistake, yes, but most are genuine. That's why they are taught as reality. The scientific word "theory" is comparable to the layman's term "facts"; it doesn't become a scientific theory until it's proven in repeatable experiments, published in scientific journals and peer-reviewed by people who would just LOVE to find a fault in their competitor's hypothesis. It is very, very far from assumption.
With enough micro-evolution, macro-evolution will occur. It's similar to the difference between walking and running; if you walk fast enough, soon you'll start to jog and then turn into running.
Dearie, you have to provide the evidence before anyone will sponsor you. Cars don't evolve, as they don't reproduce sexually.
The theory is based on scientific fact. Antibiotics are losing their fight against Bacteria. The same antibiotics that have been very effective in past several decades. That is because bacteria have evolved through natural selection, and are now resistant to our drugs. But then, I've a feeling you probably also believe that diseases are the wages of sin.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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