The main goal of the satanic project "Large Hadron Collider" is to search for "God Particle". Satan claims that chaos after Big Bang is responsible for creating all of us. Satan claims that there's no God, but only "particle". Official atheistic ego-centric representatives of European Union believe to Satan and allow to launch the dangerous project without voting. Where? In the center of Western Europe!!! Attention! Not on the island of the Pacific Ocean, but in the center of EU!!! Europeans are hostages of Satan.
Notice, there were no EU REFERENDUM about LHC, in order to ask people whether they want to be hostages of the unpredictable experiment. There were NO VOTING. Atheistic egocentric scientists, slaves of Satan, decided everything for us. This is a DEMONCRACY.
"Satan claims that there's no God, but only "particle"
Well the particle isn't God either.
"Not on the island of the Pacific Ocean, but in the center of EU!!!"
You fucking tell me how to get megawatts of power and oodles of metal into the ocean! And enough space! The thing is huge!
Stupid fool. I've never read anywhere that the Satan of Christianity ever claimed anything about the Big Bang, or particles.
It's not a dangerous project, and we don't need to vote about this. And why should we? Most people don't understand this anyway, and some are misled by liars and fools. They should therefore have no vote on things like this.
People should read and study once in a while.
Wow. Its obvious the first thing you heard about to hadron collider was the phrase "God Particle", and then descided you had all the infomation you needed to form a well reasoned opinion.
Also, I wasn't aware of satan "claiming" anything at all. And indeed, why would satan claim there is no god? If there is no god, then what is satan, just an angry red guy who got pissed off one day working in a mine shaft and started a fire?
Satan claims that there's no God, but only "particle".
Where? When? I subscribe to his channel, but must have missed that particular Podcast.
>Read his comments, too. Pure fundie gold.
Then notice how they seem to respond to posts that have "Mysteriously" vanished. Typical YouTube Fundie.
On the other hand, it does give him the appearance of talking to himself.....
Satan claims that there's no God, but only "particle".
Well this is rather confusing because in the bible (book of Job),God and Satan know and talk to each other, they even play games together.
Once again a fundie that doesn't know the bible.
Preaching stuff is dangerous too! There's a minuscule chance that God will jump down from the heaven, manifest Himself and wave His divine sword at all fundie nuts that are - *as we speak*, uninterrupted for decades - ruining His good reputation. I mean, it's a very unlikely possibility, but a possibility nonetheless, right?
And it could happen in the very heart of USA! 'cause they don't have any particle accelerators there!
"The main goal of the satanic project "Large Hadron Collider" is to search for "God Particle". Satan claims that chaos after Big Bang is responsible for creating all of us. Satan claims that there's no God, but only "particle"."
Rating: 3
"Official atheistic ego-centric representatives of European Union believe to Satan and allow to launch the dangerous project without voting. Where? In the center of Western Europe!!! Attention! Not on the island of the Pacific Ocean, but in the center of EU!!! Europeans are hostages of Satan."
Rating: 4
"There were NO VOTING. Atheistic egocentric scientists, slaves of Satan, decided everything for us. This is a DEMONCRACY."
Rating: pure 5
He's on to us. ALL Europeans are slaves of the Devil?
No, all Europeans ARE the Devil. As soon as the collider starts, we transport ourselves top America, eat all your children, shag your pets then set fire to your churches where we have crucified you all with razor wire!
Happy now.
The fundie motto "Crucify your intellect"
"Note to self: Calling people you disagree with 'Satan', or 'satanic', and calling things you disagree with 'satanic' or 'satanism' means that you are automatically right! Go teach those heathens a thing or two!"
No... This Is SPARTA!
Psst... We don't believe in Satan either.
Look, in the worst case scenario it will destroy the world. In the best it will be a great big piece of fun discoveries to keep those physicists busy without giving them doom rays.
Its on private land. Its science. Science is not democratic.
One of his best comments is on the "Large Hadron Rap " (you'll have to click "View all comments", since it's been heavily down-voted), where he claims "It is evident that infernal powers are heavily involved in the LHC experiment. And this rap with animal behaviour is only a proof of spiritual degradation of CERN physicists and total carelessness about the fate of the European Continent. "
I dare anyone to spot any "animal behaviour", in what has to be the tamest rap I've ever seen (everyone is fully clothed in extremely large lab coats, goggles and hard hats, no-one does anything the least bit sexual, and they even censor the word "ass" when it comes up).
Notice, there were no EU REFERENDUM about LHC, in order to ask people whether they want to be hostages of the unpredictable experiment.
- Like there was a referendum in the US before the unpredictables tests in the Nevada desert in the 1940s?
@Michael: that motto is perfect. I'm gonna use it.
EU has it better than USA: over here we're hostages of the christian god-cult.
Is there a band called "Slaves of Satan"? Because there should be.
One question, why are you using in your terms a "Demoncratically created" service to spread your viewpoint...?
After all, to paraphrase your termonology, it was a "Athestic, Egocentric Scientist" a/k/a "Slave of Satan", working at CERN in the 1990's, that created the protocols that made the World Wide Web and therefore, YouTube, possible, thus allowing you your rant ...?
There was no serious risk of the LHC creating a massive black hole that would suck the entire world into itself. Strangelts though , well, hmmm. ANYWAY
Large Hadrons are pretty safe, its the little ones that will get you.
The whole thing is a secret time travel and stargate base anyway.
"slaves of Satan" ?
The motorcycle gang? Satan's Slaves?
Didn't the Hell's Angels even get to vote?
Where's Sonny Barger when we ... oh, yeah.
'Notice, there were no EU REFERENDUM about LHC, in order to ask people whether they want to be hostages of the unpredictable experiment.'
So unpredictable infact, that they found precisely the thing that was theorized to exist... Amazing...
Speaking as a citizen of the EU, Reality is not a democracy. The LHC was paid for by private donations, and no EU funding came from Brussels. Oh, and Switzerland - where the LHC was built - isn't a member of the EU. [/smartarse]
...and the LHC succeeded in it's raison d'etre: the Higgs-Boson was found. Whilst it raises more questions than said discovery answers, that's just how scientists like it. Who knows what technological quantum leaps said further questions will benefit humanity in the years, decades, centuries etc to come?
Oh, and we're still here, four years later. No Resonance Cascade (put that crowbar down, Dr. Freeman!)', nor invasions by the Strogg via Slipgates [/"Half-Life", "Quake"]. Not even an 'Antichrist' (not counting Maggie Thatcher, the real Antichrist *spit *)
Fail physics much?
And we found the Higgs.
The "God Particle" has nothing to do with God. Note that it was originally to be called the "Goddamn Particle", but the editors wouldn't allow it.
Furthermore, BBT was not proposed by your devil, but a Catholic priest. Get your facts straight.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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