I have a BS in Biology.
I spent a few years in academic research funded by NIH grants at Children's Hospital, Boston studying bone and cartilage development in embryonic systems.
Spent more years in biotech developing recombinant therapies in oncology and endocrinology.
I have papers published as co-author.
I am religious and am a creationist. Go figure.
Before getting my degree, I worked in a lab that was well funded to study blindness.... my job was to clean out the animal cages.
go figure
Where would these paper's be? Maybe I saw one as lining.
BS as in...
Awww, DAMNIT!!!!
So do I. I call BS on your BS.
I now have to take my university diploma off my bathroom wall in shame. I hope you can live with that, tahos.
Um, in Australia here, when someone holds a Bachelor of Science degree, it is written as BSc. Is it the same in the United States? If it is then I know what the BS really stands for.
Hm... as a BSc. I have published papers (history of Alexis Carrel. Nothing special)
See to publish a paper you need to work on something more than being a lab assistant which is pretty much what I was as I worked on my pHD (not yet got it)
So. Citation needed.
@Thirddrop: Here in the US, it's usually just BS, MS, PhD for degrees. But, if you DO have a degree and are trying to make a true point, I would think you would add from where you received that degree -i.e. I would put I have a BSN from University of Michigan (BSN = Bachelor of Science in Nursing). But, I agree with other posters. I can't believe tahos did a "few years in academic research" with just a BS at Children's, except perhaps as a lab assistant.
Or...tahos is really, really good at compartmental work, doing his/her job and writing papers on the research, all the while with religion in the background.
"I have a BS in Biology"
A BullShit in biology? Wow i didn't know they gave official bullshit degrees.
And Pat Robertson's university isn't a real university, sorry to break it to you.
My shitty Diploma in Environmental Science is likely better than your Bullshit... i mean BS degree in Biology.
By the way, would you like to direct us to specific papers as proof?
(I wonder if this is a joke...)
Yeah, right..its funny how science and scientists allow you to believe what you want as long as when you are talking shop it BETTER follow the scientific method. I dont know too many religious schools or religious people who would extend the same respect that the scientific community extends to you.
P.S. : You didnt happen to submit a peer reviewed paper proving Creationism is anything more than just a religious belief? If not then stop trying to infer that Biology exclusively supports your religious beliefs. If your beliefs cannot survive a GAUNTLET of peer review, re-review, tests, re-tests, etc.. then it is nothing more than a belief that you hold special.
I knew an ardent YEC from school when I was studying for my BSc in Biology - so they do exist. This particular individual liked to argue with the prof in our 4rth year course on evolutionary systems (a.k.a. population dynamics). I also recall attending a presentation on the hunting habits of Killer Whales, and this YEC biology student asked the presenter if Killer Whales hunt other whales on land or in the water. I kid you not.
I have nothing wrong with a person holding Creationist beliefs, as long as it doesn't interfere with their work or life. Just as long as he's not telling the children he's helping to treat "It'll be a great thing to meet God!" or something like that, I think he should be free to hamstring himself as a scientist all he wants if he so chooses. It'll leave room for thinking scientists to publish things and get ahead, to.
Similarly, I am a graduate from the school of Cordon Bleu.
I am also an astronaut.
Next week, I will be the king of Spain.
[I have papers published as co-author.]
I can has references?
If by "creationist" you mean "theistic evolutionist," then I'd be willing to accept that as possible, though perhaps not likely. But the fact is, 99.99% of biologists believe in evolution. The remainder receive enormous funds and publicity from think tanks like the DI. If you claim to be a biologist who doesn't believe in evolution, I would've heard of you, your obnoxious books, your appearance in Expelled , and Dawkins's embarrassing smackdown of you that PZ Myers made so deliciously public.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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