Billy Price #fundie
[This man is responding to some gay Jews in the comments section.]
I am so ashamed of the self centered position of so many people born as Jews. If Jewishness is simply who your mother or Father were, then Esau is as Jewish as some of you will ever be. The law is not about what pleases you, but what pleases G-d. Esau counted the birthright as nothing, until he lost the blessing, some of you will be in the same position in the end. Endless discussion whether G-d meant this or that, is foolishness and does nothing but promote what pleases you, Especially when we know what G-d actually said. Who wants to please G-d? This G-d who shows his intricate demands in the ceremony and instruments of the Temple Worship, and we feel free to discuss what he really meant when he says what he says? The Torah declares beastiality is sin, is there one of you who will nuance that one and question what G-d really meant? Or will you accept that one as an absolute? We know the answer, we just don't like it. Did G-d really say that? I think I heard a little snake whisper!