The collective materials that scientists refer to as "dinosaurs" or "fossilized remains" or "dinosaur bones", etc... ware the work of the Devil. These are false images placed here to conguse sinful man. the Earth was created 58,000 yes that thousand years ago. It took our great god seven days to do this. Actually only six because he rested on the seventh day. So, no dinosuars, no asteroid, no terra disaster. Just good old Lucifer and weak faithed, confused people.
Just wanted to clear this up and remind you all that it is your Christian duty, as directed by God to vote for GWB on Tuesday [this post was authored on 28-Oct-04]. He is lead and directed - in fact he communicates every day with the one God that did not create dinosaurs!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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