AbuMubarak #fundie ummah.com
The Kuffar want to control you
They want you to define yourself as a muslim the way they define themselves as christian or jew (keep your religion to yourself)
they want you to not wear your religion on your sleeve (dress NORMAL, not with any religious significance)
they dont want you to pray, but if you must, do it privately, not during business hours or during school time, (their priorities are more important than your silly little bowing)
they want you to accept their nationalism (do not have allegiances with muslims based upon religion, but rather have allegiances based upon flags and nation-states)
they want you to abandon islamic brotherhood (do not empathize with muslims from other countries, the country you live in deserves your loyalty more than any foreign muslim)
they want you to care about your nation-state army (support the troops of your kafir or muslim nation, do not care about the muslims they kill, its all for the nation-state's own good)
they do not want you to feel empathy for the muslims they kill (they were militant, radical, fundamenalist, islamists, and worthy of death, even though you never know what they are accused of)
they dont want you to glorify islamic history (thats seventh century backwards history)
they want you to glorify their history (magna carta, declaration of independence. now HERE is history you should be proud of)
they want you to mourn the deaths of the kuffar (july7, sept 11, or any attempted deaths that their intelligence agencies uncover .......which they setup also)
they do not want you to mourn the deaths of muslims (the thousands upon thousands of muslims killed by these same kuffar)
if you dare speak in favor of your muslim brother or sister, you are susceptible to charges of terrorism or supporting terrorists
but if you support their armies, you are a good patriot, who has freed himself from the ignorance of religion and found freedom in nationalism
if you support YOUR TROOPS, you are evil and inciting hatred
if you support THEIR TROOPS, you are a moderate, freedom loving patriotic muslim