"Our five year old grandson informed us today that the next president was going to be a woman."
I wonder if anyone will point out to you the OT rules regarding prophets? Should he fail this prophecy of his, will you stone him as you're supposed to? Are you even aware that you're supposed to kill false prophets?
"This really surprised me that he would even talk politics. I asked him what woman he was talking about and he said he couldn't remember her name."
Yep. Sounds like a typical prophet to me.
"Lo, something will happen sometime in the near or distant future which may or may not be bad for everyone!"
"I took a stab at it and aske if her name was Sarah Palin. He brightened up and said 'yes, it's Sarah Palin'."
I wouldn't put Palin in charge of a fucking hot dog stand, let alone a country. From the polls I've seen, I'm not the only one who feels this way.
"He said his mommy told him that Sarah Plalin was going to be the the next president."
Yeah, I don't think so.
"So, there you have it from the mouth of babes."
But when he's wrong you are going to take him out and stone him to death, right? I mean, your god commands you to.