Dale Smith #fundie usmessageboard.com

I am not against the queers but I am against the queer faction of militant fags that want to push their agenda off on young people using an LGBTQ offshoot group called "GLSEN"....yeah, I have a REAL problem with that. As far as the book "Pink Swastika"? I am very much aware of it and how it relates to members of the Jesuit secret societies like "Skull And Bones" "Quill And Dagger", etc, etc and the Illuminati. You are not dealing with some "rookie". My area of expertise and what is really going on would make you run away with utter fright. Don't fuck with me, bitch....no white supremacist here...simply someone that would kick your ass up one side and down the other in a debate as to how things REALLY work. I will never EVER accept queers walking down our public streets wearing ass-less chaps waving their rainbow colored "fag flag" and flaunting their perversity in the faces of people....not gonna happen....not now...not ever...get it, bitch? Do you "get" the message that I am sendin' to ya? Because I will be MORE than happy to clarify it and pound that point home to you in a way that will be crystal clear.



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