We teach our children they are nothing more than glorified apes, yet we don't expect them to act like monkeys.
Except the fact that evolution describes how we got here. My parents weren't religious, yet I was still brought up learning to behave like a human being. A person can accept that he has humble origins, and still know that society has behavioral expectations.
We place our value in things, yet expect our children to value people.
This has fuck all to do with religion. Hell, I see more greed in the religious than I do with the non-religious. Like putting a few bucks in the collection plate absolves yourself of responsibility to your fellow man.
We disrespect one another, but expect our children to respect others.
Said by the people that are decrying homosexual marriage on the basis that they find it icky?! Hypocrisy makes me sick.
We terminate children in the womb, but are surprised when children outside the womb terminate other children.
Not a single child has been terminated in the womb that I've ever heard of. Embryos, yes, but not children. Sorry, but if you're gonna use semantics for your side, I'll use 'em for mine. Also, outside of a few cases, no one makes these women abort. They come to it of their own volition (mostly) and for their own reasons. Financial, emotional, what have you, but ultimately, they decide that they cannot care for a child, and that it would be unfair to bring it to term, and into a world where it wouldn't have a fair shot at things.
We push God to the side, but expect our children to be godly.
Anyone that expects their children to be godly is setting themselves up for a long haul, and their kids up for a shitty life. I'd expect my children to reach their full potential, and to lead a happy life, but to expect perfection is just cruel.
We've abandoned moral absolutes, yet expect our children to obey the universal commandment, ''Thou shalt not murder.''
Why should you?! You guys jump up and down screeching that this is evil, and that is an abomination...you wish death on people like it was a cold, and your kids will learn that hatred is moral.
Though I respect the Buddhist, Muslim and Jew who shared at the VTU convocation, our country needs to return and call out to the God of our founders, Jesus Christ.
Perhaps so. however, I've never met a more Unchristlike group than the fundamentalist Christians.
Like I'm sure some heroes at Virginia Tech, Rachel refused to compromise her faith in God, even in the face of death.
Oh for christ sake, this urban legen has been debunked so many times, it's not even funny.
This poem, written by her father, Darrell Scott, aptly describes the problems we face, and provides the answer, for those courageous enough to believe:
Your laws ignore our deepest needs
Your words are empty air
Guess what? You can make all the laws you want, sometimes bad things happen. I'm sorry for your loss, but sometimes bad things happen to good people.
You've stripped our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer
PRAYER IS ALLOWED! Just not teacher led prayer. The saying goes, as long as there are finals, there will be prayer in classrooms. So what honestly makes yo think that if teacher led prayer was allowed that this wouldn't have happened? There were psychos back when it was allowed, too.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You say like kids shoot up classrooms on a daily basis. Just because we actually hear about it now does not mean it never happened before.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question, ''Why?''
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed,
And you fail to understand
That God is what we need!
No, we NEED an avenue to let the disenfranchised young to vent off some steam before they snap. Do you think these kids are unaware of Christianity? God? Hell, Cho likened himself to fucking JESUS! He could have gone to church every day of his life...I seriously doubt it would have changed anything.