Is this another sign of the Great Falling Away? A "Christian" university in Arizona is acknowledging gay marriage. Grand Canyon University is now extending benefits to same-sex marriage partners.
Unfortunately, giving a nod to same-sex marriage by extending these benefits cracks the foundation. Although GCU maintains that marriage is a "sacred union between a man and a woman, which will continue to be espoused throughout the university's curriculum and classrooms," they have nonetheless to give a nod to gay marriage by extending benefits so as to respect and honor its neighbors and the law.
Is GCU really saying that Christians should not engage in the spiritual war that's trying to make darkness the norm in our society? Do the leaders of this institution really believe that disengaging from a culture war in which anti-Christ agendas are working overtime to silence the gospel is wisdom?
Yes, that seems to be what they're saying. Oh horrors, Christians that don't agree with other Christians! Whatever shall we do!
* paces back and forth, wringing hands and having palpitations, occasionally fanning self or dabbing at eyes with a lacy handkerchief *
Sounds like the Christians are playing along with the new laws licensing gay delusions, just as German Christians played along with new Nazi laws. History shows that Christians have accommodated evil far too often. A recent example is the Church conniving at homosexual priests molesting children as homosexuals are wont to do.
Anton. What's a 'gay delusion'? Is it the vainglorious hope that one day bigoted arses like you will all have died off or fucked off to their own theocratic state, leaving gay people alone to live their lives in peace? And your conflation of homosexuality with the rise of Nazism and paedophilia in the clergy wins the "Godwin-related fuckwittery" award for this week.
A Christian university is following the law; whatever will come next?!?
Darkness? If loving couples getting married is darkness to you, then you have a very cold heart.
You do know that, according to the Bible, Jesus had much more against rich people than gay people, right? What have you done in the culture war against the hypocrite televangelists, Jennifer?
Hitler WAS one of those German Christians; they even had God With Us on their belt buckles. And, they exterminated homosexuals along with Jews, Communists and Roma people.
The Church is conniving at pedophile priests molesting children, as pedophiles are wont to do. Most pedophiles are heterosexual males, in their adult sexuality. Priests have easy access to altar boys; that's why they molest mostly boys. If there were as many altar girls, there would probably be mostly girls getting molested.
One day, it would be nice if all these fundies would leave consenting adults ALONE! Then they might manage to target the filth that really touch kids, girls and boys, instead of protecting them, as churches are wont to do.
I live in hope.
Is GCU really saying that Christians should not engage in the spiritual war that's trying to make darkness the norm in our society?
It's only you nutty Christians who are turning social progress into a "war." A war that's long been lost, which the GCU administration probably realizes. Nobody's going to ever ban gay marriage again, nor are they ever going to force gay people back into the closet.
@ BigGingeyandMrFeral'sdad Of course, the argument for sodomy relies on claiming there are no moral boundaries, so how can you condemn the others?
@Swede Note it is the sexual acts they commit that are evil not any emotional love they might have. Everyone knows the "marriage" is meant to be a celebration of the crimes against nature they engage in.
And Jesus talked about wealth because that was the sin of the Pharisees. I can't imagine what Jesus would say today to all the "Christians" who support this perversion.
The main focus of Jesus in relation to pharisees was not wealth, it was their hypocrisy. Jesus would have more of a problem with people who talk about how gay people are destroying the sanctity of marriage while cheating on their 3rd wife.
Jesus was friends with prostitutes and tax-collectors. You say it is the act they are committing that is evil but you are ignoring the fact that there are asexual couples such as two ladies I know who recently got married because they love each other even though neither of them is really interested in sex. Would you be fine with that marriage?
You want to know what Jesus would say to people who show love to people regardless of their sexual orientation? He would tell them that they had followed his teachings to not judge others and to show love.
Sounds like Antbrain is back - despite what happened last time ( *) - further proving he's a Single Issue Wonk : and an Armoured Closeted one, at that.
*- And that was a thread concerning women's sexual health in Burma. So why the need to mention Burmese gays ...?! [/Freud]
As per before, I suggest that Antbrain gets back into said Armoured Closet of his. Tastefully decorated in a leopard print, with ostrich feathers & neon signs, and speakers blaring out "I Am What I Am" by Gloria Gaynor.
And don't forget, Antbrain: All right-wingers & Christain fundies are pederasts. No Exceptions. [/Josh Buggar]
Yes, that seems to be what they're saying. Oh horrors, Christians that don't agree with other Christians! Whatever shall we do! >
If you're a Christian of the same brand as resident FSTDT troll Jerry, you immediately denounce those that disagree with you as Satanic-Pagan-False Christians, of course.
If you're someone with a modicum of sanity however, you just shrug your shoulders and carry on carrying on*
<Everyone knows the "marriage" is meant to be a celebration of the crimes against nature they engage in. >
If by 'Everyone knows' you mean 'Everyone who's opposed to gay marriage falsely claims', then you're right. Gay marriage is nothing more than extending the same legal recognition and rights to homosexual couples as already exist for heteosexual couples. If it's celebrating anything, it's the love between two consenting adults, just like it always has, but now available to more people.
*At least, that's the hope
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