"The real myth is Darwinism and evolution are true."
I was under the impression that only fools and creationists, subtle difference I know, still talked about "Darwinism".
"Something goes boom and millions of years later we have the universe. How stupid!"
I'll say. It's more like a singularity expands at a mind bogglingly ludicrous speed and suddenly you have a universe.
"It's like putting all the materials to a house in one big pile, sticking dynamite into the pile, exploding it and when the dust settles you got a house."
Now that is both utterly stupid and a straw man. If, instead, you were to, oh I don't know, convert all matter back into energy and compress it into something about the size of a period and spin it rapidly until something (who knows what) causes your little singularity to expand, you might be a bit closer to the reality of things. Nice try though.
"The evolution of spiecies evolving into other species has so many holes in its so called theory that simple debate would show its utter inability to explain origins."
I'd ask if you cared to debate it but you've already lost when you tossed "origins" into the mix. Evolution has nothing to say about the origin of life. Evolution does, however, describe the mechanism of the diversification of life. Evolution presupposes, with good reason, that life already exists and works from there.
"But a debate requires both sides to be open-minded, something lacking in secular evoluionist who have to resort to insults to get their point across."
I assure you I don't insult people to get my point across. I insult people because they bury their heads in the sand or are too stupid to understand the evidence presented and too lazy to rectify their lack of education. Also I find it fun.
"All the elements that have to come together to make any life possible shows design."
It shows no such thing. The biochemical processes of life behave exactly as you'd expect them to based on what we know of physical laws. Given the right chemicals and the right environment, self-replicating molecules are pretty much inevitable with enough time. No god needed.
Evolution certainly doesn't look "guided" in any way, unless you want to concede that your "designer" is either quite incompetent or a serious fucking lunatic.
"A design with more intelligence than those who designed this ridiculous "science" called evolution, an idea stuck in the 1800's."
A design with more intelligence? Care to look here and explain some of the intelligence behind any of that?