compared to jesus, the life of buddha is filled with hagographical accounts meaning mixed already with legends myths to reality
Lemme think if I can recall the origin of the word 'hagiographic' ... nope, not coming to me ... dear, dear, where could it have come from?
Um, yeah. And Jesus was a conservative Republican born in the Middle East and had fair skin, blond hair, and blue eyes who condemned people for sinning.
Whereas the life of Jesus comes to us from 4, count 'em, four irreconcilable accounts which your lot inexplicably mixes together. And you want to talk about myths?
- Jesus walked on water and turned water into wine, just like Dionysus before him
- Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead, just like Asclepius before him.
- Jesus said "I am the life and the resurrection." Just like Osiris before him.
Shall I go on?
reading accounts of flying people, people will be legends meaning now they fly, thinking ahead to three trillion years, then they are myths 'up up and away' they'll say, 'whoosh' they'll go
Both characters go out alone into the wilderness where they claim to have received a spiritual awakening after being tempted by evil with no one around at all to confirm their story.
But to a Christian, one of those stories is a mythological creation and the other one is an eye-witness account.
"Characteristics of dying-god symbolism are: announced by a star at birth, or connected with a light; born of a virgin in a cave; sometimes visited by wise men; as a child the god teaches his instructors; predicts his own death and second coming; dies on a tree; descends into the earth for three days (the dark of the moon) and is resurrected. He is usually depicted as a beautiful young man or as androgynous; he never attains maturity; is always identified with the Father". (from An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols by J.C. Cooper).
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