W. F. Price #fundie the-spearhead.com
[About Mr. Marche giving up a job on the tenure track at City College in Harlem because of his wife becoming editor in chief of Toronto Life magazine, whose salary was the double of his job]
I feel for Mr. Marche. Giving up on your dreams must really be a letdown, but men have been doing this for family from the beginning. However, at least in the old days men were afforded a certain position and respect as “head of household.” But not anymore[.]
Poor guy — this is all too familiar to me. What he didn’t realize was that his compliance and submission to his wife would not win him any favors. Without being taught otherwise, we men tend to think that being reasonable and giving in will evoke the same response in wives that it would in husbands, but this isn’t the case. Too often, we must learn the hard way, and for Marche that meant being treated like “the wife” at his wife’s journalist social events. Sounds like hell on earth to me, but hey, she’s making good money, so it must be worth it—