ive been reading posts on here and it seems that people keep sayin that most Christians are evolutionists and i just want to see if that is true. if there are any Christians that read this and believe creation is wrong im calling youf flat out a hypocrite. if you say you are a Christian than you believe the bible. In the begining God created the heavens and the earth....genesis 1:1. if you are a true Christian then this is what you believe. that is the easiest thing to understand that ive ever read. there is no grey area. it says what it means and if you call yourself a Christian and dont believe this then its just like saying your a Christian that doesnt believe that Christ died on the cross for your sins. If you are one of the hypocrits i speak of then i urge you to get it together. It is plain to see that God created everything and that if you dont believe this your not a Christian so stop lying to other people and yourselves and making us true Christians look like a bunch of idiots.
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