Human rights are a made up concept invented by libtards.
No. Human rights are the greatest philosophical and ethical achievement of the last centuries. Men and women far beyond your intellectual league have made this possible. You are just an ignorant child in comparison, who doesn't know shit about what you are talking about while enjoying the benefits of the rights you want to take away from others (I'm sure you have not considered the ramifications for yourself).
Anything you say can and will be censored, You will follow the religion that is chosen for you, your news will be carefully screened and compiled, you do not have the right to protest.
All your firearms will be confiscated
Your home will now serve as an available shelter for U.S. troops.
You are no subject to surprise inspections.
We can and will charge you with anything, deliver a verdict, and carry out the sentence.
Still think Human rights are fictitious?
...and watch this retard - when threatened with a permab& by DA's mods etc - backpedal faster than Chris Froome can cycle on the Seine forwards .
Do you have the right to be a troll, RSR...?! [/Brenda Leyland]
"Made up", true.
"Concept", also true.
"Invented by people that RetroSpitRefuse disagrees with", obviously.
Now he needs to explain how that makes them wrong or worthless.
I seem to recall from 7th grade Civics class the phrase "inalienable rights" from something called the "Declaration of Independence," which, I'm not mistaken, was written by Thomas Jefferson.
Ah, he's at it again. I knew that stalemate had to be an illusion. You know, I'm actually starting to pity Retro at this point. I mean, isn't it kinda sad that he's so desperate for attention that he sinks low enough to write bullshit like this?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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