Tristan Emmanuel #fundie
I think it’s time to bring back blasphemy laws.
And here is why— (See video)
“— the thing that’s really disturbing about Noah isn’t that it is silly, it’s that it’s immoral. It’s about a psychotic mass murderer who gets away with it, and his name is God— What kind of tyrant punishes everyone just to get back at the few he’s mad at? I mean, besides Chris Christie.” — Bill Maher
And then he added this little ditty:
“Hey, God, you know, you’re kind of a dick when you’re in a movie with Russell Crowe and you’re the one with anger issues.” — Bill Maher.
Bill Maher is known for being an offensive anti-Christian bigot. It’s his trademark. But this time he’s gone too far. He may have protection under the First Amendment to say whatever slanderous thing that comes out of his toilet bowl brain, but that does not mean Christians should turn the other cheek.
Psalms 14:1 says, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.” And that gets to the nub of the issue.
The problem with people like Maher — and rabble like Richard Dawkins and the late burning-in-hell Christopher Hitchens — is their lack of moral character. They are what Psalm 14 says, corrupt. That is to say they are morally bankrupt men who refuse to be honest with the evidence all around them.
They start “philosophizing about life” from one fundamental place: hatred of God. The very idea of a Creator who controls all things by virtue of His power and authority makes them recoil. In fact, they hate him so much they would rather go to hell then admit he is God.
That’s what they have in common with the Devil. He hates God too. He’s so blinded by this hatred he’s convinced himself — and a legion of other fools — that there is no God and, if there is one, He is evil because everything he does is twisted and egotistical. That is basically what Maher was saying when he accused God of being immoral by punishing the people of the world with the flood.
I realize that many evangelicals will vilify me for publicly denouncing a guy like Maher. They’ll accuse me of haughtiness, arrogance, and having an “unloving spirit.” But I’m none of these things.
I don’t know Maher. And I have no reason to hate him. But I do know God. And Maher’s public vilification of God is the most offensive and slanderous thing I have ever heard. Frankly, if a Christian doesn’t have a gut wrenching reaction about this, I’ve really got to question him.
Which brings me to the main point: Christians should unanimously condemn Maher. There was a time when a generation of believers actually believed in defending the honor of God and would have done just that — condemn Maher.
Back then Maher would have faced stiff penalties for his slanderous crimes against God and country. And the reasons were clear: slander the ultimate authority of a nation — God — and you ridicule the very foundation of its laws, values, public institutions and leadership.
Slander one and you slander all.
This is one reason why it is unacceptable to threaten the life of the President of the United States, or even to slander the President.
Which raises a question: If it is acceptable to slander and profane the name of God then why not publicly vilify and slander President Barack Obama? I, for one, don’t believe in his presidency, like Maher doesn’t believe in God. And, I also think Obama is immoral, perhaps even a lunatic???
Here is an example of how America once dealt with the likes of Bill Maher.
“Be it declared and enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Council and Representatives, convened in General Assembly, and it is enacted by the Authority of the same, that if any person shall presume willfully to blaspheme the holy Name of God, Father, Son, or Holy Ghost; either by denying, cursing or reproaching the true God; his Creation or Government of the World: or by denying, cursing, or reproaching the holy Word of God— everyone so offending shall be punished by imprisonment, not exceeding six months, and until they find sureties for good behaviours; by sitting in pillory; by whipping; boaring thorow the tongue, with a red hot iron; or sitting upon the gallows with a rope about their neck; at the discretion of the court—” — Massachusetts General Laws.
Lamentably, in 1952 the US Supreme Court decided, “It is not the business of government in our nation to suppress real or imagined attacks upon a particular religious doctrine, whether they appear in publications, speeches or motion pictures.” And ever since then atheist have freely and very publicly ridiculed God, challenged every public demonstration of Christian religion, belittled Christians and attacked every institution bequeathed to us by our Christian forebears.
But I gotta say, Maher’s comments are the most shocking and heinous public utterances of blasphemy on U.S. airwaves. And worse still, Christians — and especially Christian leaders — have said very little.
America is hanging on by a thin thread of longsuffering divine justice. The pugnacious degenerate Bill Maher may think blasphemy is a laughing matter. The nation of America may think it can hide behind the First Amendment. And Christians may falsely think they are demonstrating Christlike love by remaining quiet in the face of profligate profanity.
But mark my word, a day of reckoning is coming. God is very clear. Exodus 20:7 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.”
If we are unwilling to hold blasphemers accountable, the almighty judge of the world will.
I’m Tristan Emmanuel and I make no apologies.