After reading this post and seeing dozens of others like it, expressing the same sentiments regarding Catholicism, I'm almost tempted to do the unthinkable. Defend Catholics.
I was raised Catholic, christened, confirmed, communion plus just for good measure I was an altar boy and got to wear those lovely flowing robes. (No, before anyone asks, there was no buggery, no inappropriate behaviour by any priest I knew)
Whilst I reject teachings of the Catholic church now, I in no way condone the hatred spewed by Mr Smith, nor any other person expressing the same opinions.
I can't believe just how ironic it is to have a person who claims to strongly believe in the teachings of Jesus accusing their fellow Christians of being practically inhuman. (He hasn't stated 'inhuman' but many others have implied it.)
We (whom I am guessing have no love for Christianity) are having to defend and educate Christians regarding the truth about fellow their Christians.
If you want to know why there are priests who abuse young boys, bishops who cover it up and general acts which most people would consider to be 'evil' all prevalent throughout Roman Catholicism, the answer is simple. Celibacy.
Not having sex, which is the most natural of instincts and urges is bad enough. Being given a position of power and trust within a community (i.e. being a priest), brings you into contact with members of the opposite sex in a closed environment (i.e. confession). If you can't then act on feelings of love which might develop from these moments of intimacy, which everyone has, are denied sex which you body is pumping out masive amounts of hormones to try and get, you're going to end up with more than one long term problem.
Fundies advocate absinence, i.e. no sex. It's the no sex rule which attacts all of the weirdos to the Catholic church in the 1st place, takes a heavy toll on the minds of those priests who have a genuine belief and those who just want to help people.
Demonising Catholic's for their beliefs is more than retarded it's (insert appropriate adjective). Demonising them when you claim to worship the same God they do and then advocating the same behaviour which caused the Catholic church their problems in the first place (i.e. Abstinance), is well....fundamental, I suppose.