jascothorn #fundie holidash.com
My dear unbelieving friends, can you not just be realistic? There is no such thing as an atheist. An "atheist" is merely just an intelectually dishonest person."For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against the ungodliness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness" Romans 1:18. Do you really wake up in the morning, put your feet on the floor, look at the rising sun, and say "what a beautiful day time + random chance have given me today"? Really now, be honest.Even Voltaire said before he died, "God has forsaken me". Just like Voltaire, you know the truth. In your heart of hearts you can not deny reality. You suppress the truth in unrighteousness not because it is rational or logical to do so, but because you refuse to submit to the moral authority of your creator. Therfore, it is necessary for you to deny His existence with whatever "straw man" argument you can manage to fabricate. Nonetheless tomorrow morning He wil very likely give you another sunrise and an opportunity to rethink your position. His grace to you is indeed amazing. Will you repent and believe? Choose this day for tomorrow is not guaranteed. God be with you.