Anonymous Coward #fundie
WATCHING PORN IS DANGEROUS it is Witchcraft you are performing SEX MAGICK with Demons
Pornography is Witchcraft
In our current world pornography is used by witches and sorcerers to bind souls to the kingdom of darkness; hence, pornography is witchcraft and sorcery.
Of course not all involved in the porn industry production are witches and sorcerers, some humans do it because it gives them joy and easy money. Not every female model in porn is a witch, though there are many witches there, rather a big percentage do it for money and as a way for income. Whores, who sell the use of their bodies for money, are also a big part of the female porn models specially by doing porn they earn a lot more money than from prostituting themselves to individuals.
Often a witch female when she does porn (besides doing a service to her master Satan, the evil one) she is after fans to admire her and she is after gathering followers since she considers those hooked to her as belonging to her, their souls, their spirits belonging to her.
Obviously, she writes, there is a spiritual force that the Bible is warning us about. It causes us to take leave of our senses. Witchcraft releases strong confusion against our minds so that Jesus is not the clear focus of our lives. Once that happens, we are more vulnerable to the vain imaginations the enemy whispers to our souls. We have a responsibility to know about this spiritual wickedness and guard ourselves against it. With that said, she writes, here are eight signs you are under a witchcraft attack:
1. Confusion
2. Trouble paying attention
3. Wanting to hide in your cave [she means cocoon yourself]
4. Forgetting who you really are
5. Discouraged, depressed and ready to quit
6. [Feeling of being] Angry and frustrated
7. Sickness, aches and pains
8. Just plain worn out.