"What are atheists basing there disbelief on?
Christians have the bible and this is what they base their belief on, but what do atheists base their disbelief on?"
Oh, just the mere fact that your so-called 'God' has had infinite chances to prove his existence to we Atheists - to our satisfaction - via the extremely simple method of actually showing himself to us, in hard, solid, physical form that can be seen, heard and touched (and that's God himself, not Jesus). Then for him to prove he is what he says he is - again, to our satisfaction - via demonstrations of his power (and in my case, if that means he must do whatever I say in perpetuity, so be it).
Them's the terms, they're not up for negotiation. That's the only possible way will we Atheists acknowledge the existence of your so-called 'God'. After all, if he can do something as hyper-complex as magic an entire universe, this world & all the life on it, then he can do something as relatively piss-easy as what I've stated above.
Like I say: infinite chances to do so. But he hasn't. Now, anyone with a shred of intelligence and common sense (including yours truly) would come to this conclusion: the only reason he can't do the above is this: God doesn't exist.
"Are they basing their disbelief on the lack of evidence of Gods existence? What about the lack of evidence disproving Gods existence?"
It's not our responsibility to prove anything concerning such. It's not we Atheists who put forward the notion that there's a 'God'. Something called 'Burden of Proof' means we don't have to. The ones who do?
It's you.
But then, if your 'God' was even a fraction of what he claims to be, then he wouldn't need the likes of you to prove his existence. He can prove his own existence his own fucking self, the lazy cunt. Fact is, you fundies are a 'fifth wheel', surplus to requirements. Irrelevant. As a comedian once said (emphasis added):
'If God is the most powerful being in the universe, why does he need a bunch of bozos to do his P.R.?
Aye, there's the rub...!
"What about Pascals Wager?"
What about it? The same applies to you after all. Besides, Occam's Razor frankly annihilates Pascal's Wager. If you can't prove that your 'God' exists (certainly to our satisfaction), then your 'God' doesn't exist.
"Why not believe in God?"
Why should I waste the mental effort in 'believing' something that doesn't even have the decency to show itself? My 'belief' is cold, hard, solid evidence. My 'faith' is facts.
"Better to be safe than sorry, right?"
And until you (oh yeah, that's right - you're irrelevant in this case) can prove otherwise, fact is, you're going to end up exactly like we Atheists:
Cold and rotting in a box.
Can't prove a 'God' exists to our satisfaction, you certainly can't prove that a 'soul' or an 'afterlife' exists.