Anonymous commenter #fundie
If so called "transwomen" are real women then why don't they date each other instead of demanding sex from actual lesbians? Is it because they know that they are actually males who just want access to female bodies and spaces?
When you buy into the transgender fad, you are buying into the whole conservative gender role meme. "Boys like blue and cars and fighting while girls like pink and lipstick and make up and high heels. So if your interests do not coincide with your societal determined gender role, you must be transgender." The whole thing is stupid and arbitrary. In the past men wore high heels. In Scotland men wear skirts. What is considered a gender role is socially constructed and varies from time to time and place to place. If you are a boy who likes to wear make up....that is actually fine. Just be yourself. There is no need to cut your penis off or invade the women's restroom.
Please check out GallusMag's GenderTrender blog (google it)....all I ask is that you read it with an open mind.