Holy fuck! You're a woman! I read you saying that you don't like to talk about whether you're a man, then I read more of your comments and it's obvious you're a woman and just tyring to hide it because you know that it explains everything! All the great thinkers are men. Men wrote all the great works like the Bible. Jesus just had women around to wash his feet. You can't use female logic to get out of what the Bible says anymore than you can use it to get out of math class. Everyone here will now understand that you hate God probably because you're ugly, or you're having your period, or you are mad at your dad or got a divorce or some guy raped the fuck out of you. You're such a stuck up, conceited know it all bitch that I can't even blame him! You probably just hate the bible because it says you can't be a whore or a lesbian and what you really need is a real god fearing man to give you a good smack and send you back into the kitchen to get a better of your rightful place. You know what you need? You need to take it up the ass a couple of times good and hard to remind you where you belong. If you don't do it know then you're going to be getting it up the ass for eternity in hell, bitch!!! Don't ask me to come over there and do it because I wouldn't soil my dick in you, skank.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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