[To a user who has a signature saying 'We are both atheists. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.']
Out of curiosity, where is this from, the wording implies that you believe in atheism as your God, but I might have the context wrong
Of course atheism is a God! You'll find that your equilibrium is maintained if you believe so. After all, your way of life is based on belief. In any case, atheism means not believing in gods, so naturally it's a god. Duh!
Yes, it's true. I believe that a philosophical concept designed and created the universe, and that same philosophical concept will one day judge me and decide what kind of afterlife I deserve. Incidentally I started imbuing abstract concepts with attributes like "sentience", "intelligence", "agency" and "morality" shortly after having gotten a railroad spike driven through my skull.
Ummm, no... no matter how many times I read it, there's nothing in the signature I can identify which, from a grammatical perspective, indicates that the user believes in atheism as a deity.
That aside, this doesn't seem particularly fundie to me.
Oh, I get it.
As far as the believer is concerned, they reject all other possible gods because they have faith in the one they worship, and their religion tells them to. Not because they have any rational or logical problem with the other gods.
The signature is suggesting that the believer use the same reasoning on the atheist's position that they use on their own, so to the believer, that means there must be a god in the equation.
Out of curiosity, do you understand words? No-where in those two sentences does it imply any belief whatsoever. JF, honey, please explain to us why you don't believe in Zeus and Shiva. Odds are your reasons for disbelief in them is similar to our reasons for disbelief in your god.
JF_Alpha dismisses all the other possible gods because he "knows" that he worships the One True Scotsman God. Ergo, he believes the signer must do the same, except the signer believes in atheism.
This is a poorly constructed thought, but not entirely wrong, in that it takes a (small in my opinion) leap of faith* (in one's own ability to reason) to go beyond "agnostic."
The above is a dreadful sentence, but it would be less compact if expressed correctly.
An alternate explanation is that JF_Alpha dismisses all other gods because, Bible! Ergo, the signer's slogan must be "from" some book of similar bombastic mummery.
Conclusion: JF_Alpha is either dense, willfully dense, or has not progressed past the, I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I? stage of argumentation.... or what Old Viking said.
*belief without absolute proof
Cool sig.
Dumbass comment.
"but I might have the context wrong"
Not as fundie as most posts we get here, though. At least this guy admits the possibility that he might be wrong.
Atheism is a religion the way plain is a burger topping. Atheism is a religious preference that should be respected, just like "plain" belongs in a survey of burger topping preferences. However, this does not mean that atheism is a religion, any more than it means that your local burger shop needs to stock up on their supply of "plain" along with their supply of pickles, mustard, lettuce, and tomato.
He is saying that you are an atheist with regard to Odin, Thor, Zeus, Mars, Aphrodite, FSM< IPU, etc.
When you understand why you deny them , you may understand why we go one more.
Its not a difficult concept.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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