Look at reality. Our American Republic has been under durress since the Seneca Falls meeting in 1848. They managed to change the divorce laws for the American Civil War Veterans 1861-64. Before this, if there was a divorce, the man got the house and the children unless something was seriously wrong with him. Divorce rates were only a measley one percent and a spouse still had to prove fault and it wasn’t easy to get a divorce and not everyone could get one. Divorce rates rose to 10% by the end of the First World War, and why shouldn’t they as women usually got the house and kids even under a fault system. Then just in time for the Vietnam War, the divorce laws were changed to no fault and the wife still got the house and kids like it was after the American Civil War unless something was seriously wrong with her. After the Vietnam War, marriage was a man’s fool game tp play and to be honest after the American Civil War it was starting to get a little bad too.
As most of you know, I’m a 43 year old White man and a Christian and a Catholic as well as an U.S. Army Veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. I’m also a bit of an amatuer historian. The Roman Republic rose for two imporatant reasons although they weren’t the only ones but I believe they were crucial. Enforced monogamy even if the husband but not the wife was allowed in practice if not theory to commit adultry. Pater Potentas, Father’s power, was the other reason. A man had a right to harm or kill his wife, children even unmarried adult female children, adult male children even if theoretically elected to the highest office of the Republic, Consul. He also had the right to harm or kill his grandchildren and great grandchildren. He had the right to harm or kill his descendants wives, slaves, his descendants slaves, his descendants wives slaves or any freed slave by him or them. He had a right to do this without being questioned. Not even the Taliban would allow such a thing as a man needs sufficient reason to do so. When these rights were lost by the Roman Empire among other reasons as well, Rome started to eventually lose. The same process is happening in the USA and we had a much more pleasant patriarchy for the Females even before 1860 than the Roman Republic ever did. As I said above even the Taliban was more pleasant to females than the Roman Republic which our founding fathers based much of our American Republic on. Although it emotionally and in a moral Christian Catholic sense offends even me, in order to halt and reverse our decline we may need to reinstitute some Ancient Roman Republican laws. There’s a reason the Roman Republic crushed all before it, even after suffering fearsome losses in battle and horrific defeats. I see no other logical way. By the way I’m of Polish and Irish descent and not of Italian descent. For as painful as it is for me to admit this, I logically can see no other way to prevent the coming collapse. If someone disagrees with me, please logically prove me wrong as emotionally and morally I would accept and love it. I mean this.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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