David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

David Bowie Almost Assuredly Went To Hell

When David Bowie lived, he had a whopping net worth of $230,000,000. What good is all that money now? When the rich man died in Luke 16:19-31, he went straight to Hell, suffering in torment, flames, thirst, loneliness and frustration. While enjoying his wealth on earth, the rich man didn't give his eternal destiny a second thought (just as most rich people don't). Unfortunately, after realizing his horrifying fate just seconds after dying in his sleep, it was too late!!! Every atheist becomes a believer immediately the very moment they pass into eternity and feel the fires of Hell. There are no atheists in Hell. I guarantee you that David (Bowie) Jones is no longer a Buddhist. He now realizes what a fool he is, for selling his soul to the Devil, but it's TOO LATE for him!!!

I guarantee you that David Bowie is anything but an atheist right now! Everyone wants to become a Christian when they get to Hell, but it's too late.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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