"Unbelievers do not have a freewill"
I think. Therefore you are... a twat.
"the Truth will make you free."
'Arbeit Macht Frei' sound familiar, JayWJr?
'Truth' is subjective. Your 'Truth' = Lies.
"But when a person is saved, then God is in control of the will and it's Gods freewill, not our own that is in control."
Care to explain Jimmy Swaggart and Ted Faggard, then? Not only were they 'saved', but they were prominent Fundamentalist Christian preachers. I've never gotten married, then cheated on my wife with other sexual partners, and preached about the 'evils of homosexuality', but then secretly hiring rent-boys, thus exposed as a hypocrite. No, I've relied upon my own morals, based on the simple philosophy of 'I wouldn't want to be killed/harmed, nor have my property stolen/damaged - or have my trust betrayed by someone, nor told not to do something by someone who goes and does what they told you not to ('Do as I say, not as I do'), so why should I do the same to others?'
But then, that's what being an Atheist/Humanist is all about: Self-Control. With the emphasis on Self.
I love the smell of destroyed arguments in the morning. Smells like... victory.