Secret Secret #fundie
(an email that my yahoo group received. We happen to be a pagan group)
All those who have sinned deserve to suffer in Hell forever.
1. Repent (be truly sorry for your sins and do your best to stop sinning).
2. Trust completely in the Lord only, and do not trust in your own self.
3. Love the Lord your God with all of your heart.
The Lord sent His only Son (the Lord Jesus Christ), to suffer and die on the cross, to pay for the sins of those who trust in Him. His blood poured out, and it can clean away our sins. He was buried, then lived again after three days. Human works and Human efforts cannot save your soul. The gift of God is eternal life to those who completely trust in Him.
Human beings are totally corrupt, but thankfully the Lord owns and controls all things. If He did not decide to save us from our sins, we will all be in Hell. Thank the Lord if He has chosen you unto salvation, and if His Spirit has transformed your "heart" so that you can trust in Him.
By the way, Spontaneous Generation is impossible. Therefore, God created the heaven and the earth, including all living things. Those who do not believe in God must also repent.
Repent, Trust, and Love. The Lord's will be done.
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