How do we know that what's in the bible is fact? God tells us it's fact. The logic is infallible.
This sounds like the kind of circular logic you get in philosophy classes.
"God is perfect. If God didn't exist he would be imperfect, therefore God exists."
You spin me right round baby, right round, like a record player, right round, round, round...
So this is what gamers talk about when they aren't teabagging each other in Halo 3?
If this is what they talk about, then I am ashamed to be considered a gamer.
I have to point out that even if we knew that God existed and did in fact tell us the Bible was fact, we would still have the possibility that God was a liar. (This would actually be a strong possibility, given his other Old Testament behavior.)
@ 933853
The general Fundie claim of Biblical inerrancy is 2 Timothy 16:
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"
Note the colon at the end. Verse 17 continues:
"That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."
Which rather leaves "Not Perfect but Forgiven" and his ilk red-faced, if the Bible is given to them so they may be perfect.
However, I especially like 2 Corinthians 3:6 as a rebuttal to those who insist the Bible is letter-perfect and should be followed that way:
"He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenantnot of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."
Following the letter rather than the Spirit of the Bible kills. Sucks to be Rapture Ready Biblical Literalists.
"How do we know that what's in the bible is fact? God tells us it's fact. The logic is infallible."
Hard to say if there is actually logic involved. But one thing's for sure: They slander me yet again.
THE BIBLE IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD. It is not. I, God, say so, hence it is so.
How do we know that what's in the bible is fact?
God tells us it's fact.
Yeah, but how do we know that what God tells us is fact?
It's in the bible. The circular logic is infallible.
You know, I remember listening to two Christian neighbours use this kind of circular reasoning when I was 8-years-old and thinking it was completely illogical (or, in 8-year-old terms, retarded), even though I still kind of believed in God at the time. And those two Christian neighbours were adults. Seriously, if an 8-year-old can out-reason you, you're probably doing something wrong.
(It's not that I was a child genius or something (I was a smart kid, but not that smart), it's just that this kind of logic is so ridiculous that even a third grader can see through it.)
You gotta love fundy logic.
To them, 2+2=4 is not logical, to them it is more logical to just say "it's 4 accept it or burn in hell for ever and ever because that is where God will send you, oh and p.s. God loves you very much"
> How do we know that what's in the bible is fact? God tells us it's fact. The logic is infallible.
rlaur2, you're not home-schooling your kids, are you? If so, someone should deliver them from evil.
infallible(n): incapable of error.
The argument:
"The Bible is correct because God [sic} tells us so."
Since the Bible itself is where you get this information on God this is begging the question, equivalent to: I have a book that says turnips cure cancer. The author tells me it's true, so it's true.
Get an independent source.
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